Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

Oh my good God no...

Well, as you may or may not know, on the 2nd of July I placed a pre-order for the wonderful pink DS Lite. And the day has come, today, where the pre-orders will be sent out to those who ordered them.

Except me.

This morning the fucking credit card people REJECTED from taking any money out 'just to make sure that it was me'. FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!!!! BASTARDS!!!! Now I'm sure I have to wait another few weeks for it, or maybe even longer because it's gonna be high in demand over in Japan... I'm so going to cry, this isn't fair... I've been itching for it for ages... my pre-order was the reason Mike got his DS Lite (cuz he was jealous Smilie)

I really want to kill the bank, I really do... I'm going off to cry now Smilie


Now Playing: Big Brain Academy

John may have mentioned in one of his blogs that he bought me a small gift, and I just received it today!!! Smilie

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I love it so much! Mike went out to Barnardo's this morning and happened to bring me back a gift too so I've had two presents today for just being me! Smilie The one Mike got me is a Care Bear that he recused as it was going to be put in the bin Smilie but its mine now, and it seems to like riding Eevee, so I leave them to it Smilie


Now Playing: Big Brain Academy
Now Listening to: DARREN HAYES!!!

Right, I'm bored so I'm gonna type out a blog for you all, huzzah! I made a new blog header, thats how bored I was... it's a little big and annoying, so I may change it, but for now, it stays Smilie

Well, as many of you may know, I got a new tattoo done and Wednesday day. I feel like a wuss for saying this, but it hurt so bad Smilie I had numbing done and so I couldn't feel the outline, but after about half an hour it was really starting to hurts lots Smilie Apparently the outline hurts more than the colouring, so I'm still really glad I got the numbing done! I'm a bit worried about it, because it's beginning to look a little patchy, so I might go down to the artist today or tomorrow to get her to have a peek at it.

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that's what it looks like at the moment, a bit gross, so hopefully it'll heal up a bit better. The redness around it isn't what my skin actually looks like, it was a reaction to the surgical tape I had to use >_< it's all gone red and itchy, but it's not too bad today. ugh, there's even some little red blotches around the tattoo itself where the tape didn't even touch, so I might really need to go in today... I'm just really worried because I didn't have any problems with my last one, apart from it being really itchy after a week, but that was it. I read somewhere that reactions of tattoos can vary depending on where they're placed, but I wish I'd known that before I got it done Smilie

Here's a closer pic, you can see a bit more of the detail...

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Don't know if I'm really that happy with the way it's turned out... it jsut doesn't seem right... I'll get it checked out Smilie

Other than that uh... nothing much else has happened. I've got platinum medals on Big Brain Academy and i'm going home a week on Friday, hooray. Ugh... Mike is coming home with me and I think it's the first time he will have stayed with my family for longer than a day... If you knew my family you'd understand Smilie

Don't think I've got much else to add...


I rock!

Now Playing: Brain Training!

Just thought I'd put up a quick journal entry saying that I ROCK because I've got 20 as my brain age two days in a row Smilie

I've had 20 before, but I had a dumb patch after that Smilie I'm the best Smilie I thought I'd really suck at brain training cuz of my inability to do maths, but I've proven myself wrong with this program Smilie

They're everywhere!

Now Playing: Brain Training (although I've not been on it in a few days...)
Now Listening to: MR JT =D

Hooray for me! I've got myself another job, and even though it's only for a few days I'm happy Smilie I managed to get quite a good night's sleep last night which was excellent, because, as you know from my last blog, I've not been able to sleep properly...

The doctor gave me some sleeping tablets but they were wank, didn't work at all, so I've been trying to do this by myself and, even though I do keep waking up in the middle of the night, I'm able to get back to sleep again, whereas before I couldn't.

Anyway, I'm working as a receptionist at a children's centre and today there's loads of cute babies! Smilie one in particular is really cute, it has a tiny tuft of hair Smilie I wanna take it home! Smilie

OH MY GOD! That one is so tiny! It's cute!

Sorry, I'll shut up about babies now... it's weird, I never used to like babies, I was scared of them and wouldn't wanna be anywhere near them. But now I wanna hold them o_O maybe some kind of maternal instinct has been kicking in recently... its scaring me Smilie

I'd like one, but I'd rather have a pink DS Lite... just shows I'm really not ready for a kid, I'm still too selfish Smilie


Now Playing: braaaaain training :D
Now Listening to: Shakira - Donde Estan Los Ladrones

Well, everyone seems to be doin g updates on their lives, so maybe I should do one too to try and get myself to sleep Smilie it's 4:30 in the bloody morning and I'm not tired at all... I'm suffering from really bad insomnia... I think its due to my doctors giving me some new happys pills... on the plus side of being on these I haven't had any horrible thoughts/mood swings and I feel strangely sedated most of the time. I'm also losing weight and not eating as much which is a plus and contributing to making me feel better about myself Smilie but the last tablets I was on were helping me sleep and even though I would still not be able to fall asleep for a few hours at bedtime, at least when I actually went to sleep I'd sleep through the night. Since last weekend, I think, I've really not had a good night's sleep at all. I keep waking up in the middle of the night and not able to sleep, or can't get to sleep for absolutely ages. Tonight is the worst though, I was asleep for about two hours and then I woke up for some reason and I've not been able to get back to sleep since... and that was at 12:30!! It's bloody light outside now too, this is insane... I really want to go to sleep and my eyes really hurt but my body feels as though its had enough sleep from the two hours that it had... although, I'm a little more tired now than I was half an hour ago... maybe this typing is helping... as you all know Mike is staying with me and I'm trying to to wake him up with my typing, although once he's asleep its quite hard to wake him up Smilie Bless him though, he stayed up until about 2:30 trying to help me get to sleep but in the end I came on the computer and have just been sat here since... ugh... I want to sleeeeeeep Smilie

I've been getting strangely homesick recently as well which is odd... I don't normally get homesick because I don't like being at home but recently I've just been aching to get home for some reason... it might be because my sister has just turned 13 and she's one of my favourite people in the world Smilie I feel so sorry for her seeing as she's the only girl in our house now and she has to put up with a load of boys but I'm sure she copes with it Smilie she acts a lot like a boy anyway Smilie But sometimes I feel bad because I don't want her to miss out on what I did. I mean, many of you might not understand this kind of stuff because most of you are guys but my mum left when I was 9 and so I had to grow up almost by myself. My dad didn't know how to use make-up or anything like that, so I had to learn it all myself... I know that growing up quickly when I was a child has made me who I am today, but I don't want my sister to have to o through the same, I want to be there for her and be able to teach her what she wants to know, whether its about make-up, boys, clothes or whatever. I know she can learn it from the numerous friends she has, but she needs a role model and I'd like to think that I'm being of some use to her.

Woah, its weird... suddenly I've got a block on new thoughts about what to write... I think my brain is beginning to shut down... which is hopefully a good thing as it may mean I can get to sleep soono Smilie hooray! ooh, I found out something very interesting from my friend the other day - when they operate on brain tumours, apparently you're still awake during the time they're operating on your brain so that they can tell if they've cut too far into your real brain =S I thought this was really horrid Smilie

I want sleep...


Edit note - I have had one hour of sleep at around lunchtime thanks to Mike and the sleep noise that Phil put up Smilie the doctor has given me some sleeping tablets so that I can hopefully catch up on my sleep over the next few days... also, I changed the title of this blog because nobody is reading it because it probably looks boring Smilie

The Wild and Bambi II

Hi everyone! Just thought that I'd add a blog, purely because I like typing, even though nothing exciting has really happened over the past few days.

Although... I bought Bambi II and actually LIKED IT! Yes, I LIKED a Disney sequel (even though its hardly a 'sequel' really...). Earlier in the afternoon we'd gone to see 'The Wild' which was... ugh... to put it bluntly it was fucking terrible... I didn't laugh once, and everyone knows that I'm the kind of person that laughs at most stuff. Ok, maybe I laughed at a point when I shouldn't have laughed, but still! The CG characters were ugly and I didn't identify with any of them. It was total shit, I hated it. Ugh... I dont wanna talk about it...

Bambi II on the other hand, it was actually pretty good, as Disney sequels go. There were various horrendous mistakes such as Lilo and Stitch II (not that Lilo and Stitch was that brilliant anyway, even though I liked it), Cinderella II, the Little Mermaid II, Pocahontus II (all three of which I have not seen myself but have heard from friends that they were terrible) and the most horrendous of them all, The Lion King 3. Did the Lion King really need a third one? NO IT BLOODY DIDNT! The second one was bad enough, chock full of cliches, but this one was just based on toilet humour to the extreme, which is what Disney seem to think works nowadays. What happened to the charm that Disney used to have? Something has seriously gone wrong Disney... very wrong...

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But I digress, Disney actually got something right for once. Bambi II is about the 'missing parts' of the first film, i.e. when Bambi was growing up after his mother was shot. It shows his father raising him and the two eventually bonding like father and son should, and Bambi even showing his father a thing or two about appreciating the forest. Although there were a few toilet jokes (involving Flower, although that can possibly be allowed because he's a skunk...) overall the film was very impressive and was better than my expectations. The only bad thing I have to say about the film was that towards the middle of the film, everything went green as it turned to spring, and its just like 'isnt Bambi supposed to be grown up now?' but no, he was still little. I wasn't able to find out how long it takes for a young white-tailed deer to grow up, but I think it is about a year... The only thing that stopped me getting too angry at the film was that I was thinking that the spring we see Bambi in the first film is the next spring over. If you think about all too much (like I tend to do) then you probably on't enjoy the film. I won't go into much more of it too much, as I may give the whole plot away (although there isnt to much of a 'plot', its just Bambi and his dad prancing about most of the time) but it did make me laugh, unlike that God-awful film we saw earlier on in the day.

We watched the first Bambi after watched Bambi II just to see what the voices were like and to confirm my suspicions about inconsistencies.

but all in all, it wasn't that offensive to me Smilie Rant over.

I suppose I'd better change the title of this blog from 'Boring boring blog' to something else...

Edit ~ sorry, bambi is meant to be a white-tailed deer, not a roe deer.

Aches, Headache and General Mehness

It's the start of another week! Hooray! Or not Smilie Thought that I'd post a blog as today is the day I'm finally shifting my ass into gear and doing something about my weight gain...

I think I have gained over a stone in the past couple of mothns, and even though that might not seem a lot, it's pretty noticable on a little person like me. I used to be so proud of my 26in waist, but now I hardly have a waist worth mentioning... One good thing about weight gain is the enhancement in the chest area, but everything else is a no-no.

I've been ill over the weekend, so perhaps starting my 'diet' now is perhaps a not so good idea, but I've said I'd do it this week so... I have about 7 weeks to lose what I want... I'm not too bothered about weight loss as I know muscle weighs more than fat, I'm more interested in losing inches... but yea, the reason for the 7 weeks is that I want to get another tattoo done and I set the date for it about a month ago. I suppose I can always put the date back a little further if I need to, but I'm determined to do this.

I'm so desperate to lose these extra inches that I've started taking these pills that will hopefully increase my metabolism. That way, they'll counteract my stupid medication that made me this way in the first place. My doctor has reduced my dosage of medication, but in the week that I've been taking this reduced dose, my craving for food has increased. I suppose I did put on most of the weight during the first month of being on the medication (which is the dose I'm on now) and then when the dose was increased my weight steadied at what it is now, but that was because the doctor then told me that my weight gain was due to the medication.... fucking doctor is an idiot I hate him, he seems to think making fun of me is a right laugh... I know I should ask to see someone else, but he's the only one available most of the time, which probably means everyone else thinks he's a wanker as well...

I started going to the gym a few weeks ago which I enjoyed, but now that I'm working I can't go to it because it closes just as I finish work which is realy annoying. I know I need to do more exercise but I feel so tired after work... I guess I just need to push myself really hard...

As for the title of this blog, I'm just feeling all achey and shit because I'm just getting over a cold which was worst on Friday night and some of Saturday. Working seems to stress me out, as this receptionist job has quite a few responsibilities and I kept forgetting quite a lot during the first week. But I still love this job I really do, its just a shame I'm only here for a week after this one.

It's really weird though, this feeling I have at the moment... I've hardly felt 'properly' full since being on this medication and I wasn't able to finish my sandwich at lunchtime... but I think I still feel hungry... unless this feeling is that I'm going to be sick, in which case that can't be good...

I apologise for all the spelling errors there are bound to be in this blog, I don't think I'm concentration properly n what I'm typing, I'm just enjoying the feeling of typing random crap freely as soon as random crap comes into my head...

I also apologise if none of this makes sense... it's not for the reader's benefit, its for mine, I find typing random crap thereputic.. Smilie

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Here is a picture of a kitten. The grey one looks like a baby Smokey (my lovely cat)



Hey ShinyRainbow fans, it's time for another wonderful, yet seemingly pointless blog from me! Hooray!

I know I post a lot of blogs saying this, but I've got myself another job, yay! I really hated the last one I was in and kept getting quite sick (which I'm sure was due to the monotonous nature of the work...) But now, I think this one will be fine for the next few weeks...

I'm covering a receptionist role at the 'Centre for Ecology and Hydrology' for someone who is away on holiday - so I'll be doing this for the rest of this week and two weeks after yay! I really love receptionist jobs as it really makes me feel as though I'm kind of in charge of something and I'm part of the fabric holding the place together Smilie

All I do is answer the phone, transfer the calls, greet any visitors, deal with the post and so on, but I still really like it. After all, I get to go on whatever website I want Smilie well, within reason... I'm sure I'm gonna get really bored... I'll find stuff to do I'm sure... I've just been reading news articles on the BBC website, mostly Science and Nature news Smilie God I'm such a science nerd... I'm well excited to be part of all this, even though I'm not even actively involved in the research. I'd love to be shown some of the labs and stuff... I think there's quite a lot of labs though... but the guy who is in charge of me said he would show me next week as there are a lot of important things going on this week... There's 'importantvisitors' so I have to be really nice and polite to them and stuff. Although that is obviously in my nature so I don't have to even try Smilie

I feel pretty powerful in some way though... I just started yesterday afternoon and using my common sense I've worked out how to do things that many of the people here really aren't sure how to do, which is really great. I wish these kind of jobs were available to me all the time. I've been put through for many similar roles, but haven't been selected until now... I mean, ok, I don't have as much experience as some people, but I have a lot more common sense than many people, I can type pretty fast and accurately (...most of the time :lolSmilie and I'm all round a generally nice person. Smilie

No matter, now that I'm in this, that's more experience I'll have under my belt and then EVERYONE will want me Smilie mwahahahahahaha!

.....I'd better get back to work...

Happy Birthday to meee!

Now Playing: Tetris
Now Watching: My Neighbours The Yamadas

Well well, it's finally here... I'm 20 years old Smilie

Happy birthday to me! Smilie

I didn't really do much this birthday, compared to my last two birthdays - going out clubbing and getting totally wasted Smilie All I did this year was stay up past midnight and get my presents then Smilie Feel like I'm gonna have some kind of mid mid-life crisis like a lot of my friends have done... but I'll probably post a blog about that when the time comes Smilie

onto the gifts! I did get too much this year, but I've taken photos of some of my stuff ~

by the way, sorry about the bad quality, I
still don't have a digital camera so all photos I take get taken by my webcam Smilie just so you know...

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the top of the bag that I've stored them in for now

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some stuff there - there's a giraffe, a 'magic board' that lights up PINK when you write on it! Smilie a bit like an etch-a-sketch...

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this picture includes (from top left clockwise to bottom left) a Hello Kitty bowl, a really nice pink watch with flowers and mother of pearl from Michael Smilie a book of 'Needless Mean Acts' for me to wreak upon people, My Neighbour Totoro stamps (the stamps that you put in ink and print them - I don't have any ink yet but I've been using the etch-a-sketch-type board to print on Smilie, my pink MP3 player with you've already seen and a tin of smelly stuff from the Body Shop (what some of the items are sat on).

I also got My Neighbours The Yamadas from Mike too but we haven't really finished watching it yet as he had to go home Smilie I'm sure I've got some other stuff but I can't really remember what... I'm so spoilt Smilie

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here's a picture of the birtday girl as a treat for you all Smilie I'm wearing some earrings I got but I don't think you can see them in the pic, and I'm wearing a holographic birthday badge which I tried to get more of a picture in, but it didn't quite work! I don't really look that young like a do in the photo... I swear I look really old Smilie

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and here's my pink DS thrown in too Smilie the stickers on it are some of the decals that were received with the first Official Nintendo magazine which I stole from Mike Smilie

I've had a good time today Smilie Now I need to settle down to some hardcore working as I've had to change my year of entry from year 1 to year 2 at uni next year. This means I really need to catch up on stuff that I will have missed this year... It's a hard life Smilie

And again, happy birthday toooooo meeeeeeee! Smilie


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