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nighm's Blog Offline

Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

Apologies and Ramblings

Now Playing: Super Mario Sunshine
Now Listening to: Queen II - March of the Black Queen

Sorry everyone about my last posts, I didn't quite understand the blog system. One of the comments I received said that an essay would make up for it, so I'll make an attempt at that.

Lately I've been looking through my game collection and I've noticed that I don't play a vast majority of my games (mostly RPGs). I've started to think back to why I purchased most of my games and if they were worth it. I've figured that every dollar I pay for a game should give me back at least one ohour of entertainment. Looking through my collection, only a few have done this. Super Smash Bros Melee and Soul Calibur 2 for example have been been played by me for more than 100 hours each. Then there are a few RPGs that I own which have been played over 60 hours (Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X). But then I get around to some games that I bought that are very short compared to the fighting games and RPGs that have kept me entertained. These would include games like Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime, which are both excellent titles, but I still do not know if they were quite worth it due to their shorter game time. Just something I felt like saying.

I suppose I better make full use of this post to try to redeem myself, so I'll try to make another paragraph highlighting other concerns I have.

What is a game? Lately when I look at my TV, I see one of my sisters playing Animal Crossing, They can play this game for hours yet, I am forced to wonder, why? If I asked my little sister what her favorite game is, then she would probably say Animal Crossing. But is it even really a game? I wouldn't say there's much skill involved in playing it and there isn't any sort of multiplayer interaction that would make it more interesting so I'm at a loss when I see her spending hours in front of this. It also makes me wonder, what if all games are like this some day? It would be awful! I've always thought that video games were a source of entertainment but even more so about showing skill and if games in the future don't require one to have any skill then what will become of our children and so on? I feel that games like Tetris and Street Fighter III require players to be able to respond quickly to what's going on and therefore builds some kind of useful skill for them whereas it seems to me that games like Animal Crossing are simply mindless escapes from real life that don't help one's actual life in any form.

Well, that's all I have to say, and I apologize for my previous posts. Won't happen again.

First Entry

Now Playing: World of Warcraft
Now Listening to: Metallica/Ozzy/Rush
Now Watching: Bobobo

Just thought I'd try out this blog thinger. Hopefully it works...I'm not going to type this all again..

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