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Screamy kids

Now Playing: ~Trying~ to play Avatar: Legend of Aang
Now Listening to: SRPC003 01 MAKIBA.mp3

Ever since we bought Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz for Wii and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly for Gamecube, our daughter has been dancing, screaming and doing a funny, but annoying finger pointy dance. You know the type of dance I mean, shooting from the hip style 60s disco style dancing.

Now I can't play Avatar, or any of the other games I got the other day. Bloody women.

I think either the wife or the bairn has snapped the corner of the casing off one of the games too, because I found a piece embedded into my foot when I went to make some coffee this morning. I've interrogated them both, but they're hard nuts to crack... I will get to the bottom of it.. Smilie

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