Smash Bros. Brawl: Reasons for Euro Delay

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.05.2008 20

Nintendo of Europe have commented on the reasons why Smash Bros. Brawl has taken some time to arrive in PAL regions.

Speaking to Official Nintendo Magazine, NoE's Laurent Fischer was quizzed on why there's been several months between the game's US release and localisation for Europe.

Smash Bros. Brawl hits Europe on June 27th, and Austrlia on the 26th.

Image for Smash Bros. Brawl: Reasons for Euro Delay

He revealed that localisation issues would be part of the delay, but not the ony reason: "so a release date is always the result of a large number of factors, and it's a complex decision process. It's not that we deliberately like to be late in Europe, and it's our job to take care of it, but to localise in six languages is always a challenge."

He notes that text isn't the only issue that teams need to deal with � there's a volume of voices and effects that would be specific to a language. "Every time you go through localisation you then have to put it through a test, which involves making sure that you recorded the proper voice, and that the proper voice is being activated with the proper trigger, at the proper time... so it's not just a case of swapping over some words, it requires some proper extra development processes. And so it takes time."

Production issues, dealing with other Nintendo-published games and marketing were other factors that have attributed to the 3-month wait.

"I realise that from time to time we have still been disappointing some people, but in general we have also been able to bring to them games which would have never been available before in a European market, and the time frame is slowly decreasing, so I'm positive for the future. We know that we are still not reaching the expectations of all the people, but we're really doing our best to resolve this."

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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At least we'll be finally getting it, I guess. Too bad the hype has died down somewhat.Smilie

Well that's nice. But it has nothing to do with why Australia is forced to wait.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Well that's nice. But it has nothing to do with why Australia is forced to wait.

Exactly, that's just pathetic.

Personally I don't see why Nintendo is the only company (and Square) that takes so long to localise. Smash Bros is no different from any other game like Mario Kart or Wii Fit, so why were they released here in such a rush? And before US? I smell hypocrisy/lies.

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Nintendo = Idiots

seriously, it seems like they are just making up excuses. And just as superlink said

Personally I don\'t see why Nintendo is the only company (and Square) that takes so long to localise. Smash Bros is no different from any other game like Mario Kart or Wii Fit, so why were they released here in such a rush? And before US? I smell hypocrisy/lies.

( Edited 19.05.2008 22:47 by edracon )

Subspace has minimal vocal work, same with the game in general. Nintendo would be stupid to translate grunts and shouts into other languages. Pure excuses. There's a lot more text in Brawl than Mario Kart, but aside from trophy descriptions, that's about it.

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well at least they said they are unhappy about it, whatever the real reason is.

They dont usually admit they did anything wrong Smilie

I suspect the real reason is that Nintendo (central, don't blame NoE who probably don't like late releases any more than we do) doesn't want to spend the money on upgrading their factories to produce more discs.

They have to make loads of discs to meet demand in a single territory so they'd have to physically add more factory space (and workers, and it is known Nintendo likes to stay a small as possible to maintain efficiency) to distribute to several territories at once.

It is all about, therefore, saving money. That's it really, pure and simple profit margins. If people import, Nintendo still make money but most won't and will buy the game on its Euro launch, because, let's face it, we're willing to wait. Pretty much the same number of customers at reduced cost.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Well that's nice. But it has nothing to do with why Australia is forced to wait.

Exactly. Last time I checked, we're a english speaking country (yes, we have multiculturalism, but our national language is ENGLISH). Why do we have to wait for a game to be made into 5 other languages. Seriously.

I just think they generally like to delay PAL terrotories, nothing to do with translating voices(they're grunts and there a very few of them), just they like to wind us up.

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I don't think Nintendo has it owns factories to produce discs. But I think you are right about how they want to produce heaps in one region before releasing it in another.

The real reason is to get the single small UK Nintendo repair center located in Portsmouth ready for the huge amount of Wii's with 'dirty lenses'. I've been to the place and believe me, if more that 1000 Wii's need their 'lenses cleaned' in Week one that place will be full to the brim. It's a nice place don't get me wrong, just to small.

I think Australia just gets lumped with in with the PAL copies and just gets delayed.

The UK is in the same boat really, they could easily release there with essentially the US version and do just fine but they want to release it across Europe at the same time.

I assume in SSBB at least, that localization also includes changing the release dates and game names in the tropies and history sections to reflect what was actually released and when.

We may be English, but we're also PAL. We don't get it sooner because that wouldn't be fair on the rest of Europe.

fuck off NoE

but to localise in six languages is always a challenge

It's ALWAYS a challenge for them. Sometimes I think they actually have to teach people english, spanish, french and german (and whatever other languages) first before they even get around to the job of translating. Seriously.

there�s a volume of voices and effects that would be specific to a language.

Hire me! I can grunt in over 20 different languages! Fuck sake are they taking the piss out of us!

Production issues, dealing with other Nintendo-published games and marketing were other factors that have attributed to the 3-month wait.

Come on it's Brawl! We have been waiting AGES for this game and it should have taken piority.

I realise that from time to time we have still been disappointing some people

From time to time? Some? It's been a never ending stream off disappointing fuckups. Pull yereselves together will ye?!?

well at least they said they are unhappy about it

Saying isn't the same as feeling.We are the ones that have to wait, they're all playing it now and getting paid for it!

The real reason is to get the single small UK Nintendo repair center located in Portsmouth ready for the huge amount of Wii's with 'dirty lenses'.

If they had given me this excuse I would have almost believed it. The shit there feeding us now is a joke they must think we're idiots.

It's the same problem over and over again.
You apologise the first couple of times and then get it fixed!
I wish I hated Nintendo games purely so I wouldn't have to go through this... Oh well...

May you be in heaven for half an hour before the devil knows you are dead.

SuperLink said:
Kangaroo_Kid said:
Well that's nice. But it has nothing to do with why Australia is forced to wait.

Exactly, that's just pathetic.

Personally I don't see why Nintendo is the only company (and Square) that takes so long to localise. Smash Bros is no different from any other game like Mario Kart or Wii Fit, so why were they released here in such a rush? And before US? I smell hypocrisy/lies.

I smell cocaineSmilie

I know that the pok�mon voices have to be changed. Jigglypuff is called Rondoudou in France, and he also has a different voice. I guess that's true for some of the other PKMN as well.

Of course it's still a poor excuse. Shouldn't take 3 months.

then skip the localization and go for english, which is the language of the world.

Not good. I want to be pissed off at them...his comments aren't helping me Smilie

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