Jake Gyllenhaal Confirmed as Prince of Persia

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2008 11

The lead for the upcoming Prince of Persia film has been confirmed: Jake Gyllenhaal in the Disney adaptation of Ubisoft's Sands of Time.

The Hollywood Reporter confirms Gyllenhaal playing the young prince Dasta, partnering with a feisty princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) to prevent an evil nobleman from possessing the Sands of Time.

Image for Jake Gyllenhaal Confirmed as Prince of Persia

The game's creator Jordan Mechner teamed up with Doug Miro and Carlo Bernard to write the scripts. Jerry Bruckheimer is producing, with Mike Stenson, Chad Oman and Patrick McCormick executive producing.

We've been fairly fortunate with some our leading ladies. Some of them have gone on to become major movie stars, going back to Nicole Kidman in a movie I did a long time ago called 'Days of Thunder' to Keira Knightley out of ('Pirates of the Caribbean').
Jerry Bruckheimer

Bruckheimer has recently stood as producer for the National Treasure, Pirates of the Caribbean and Bad Boys series.

Production is set to start in July in Morocco and England.

Thanks to C3 reader Echoes221 for the tip.

Box art for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time








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I thought that it was Orlando Bloom? Damn, and I thought Bloom would make the perfect Prince too.

Oh well, I'll have to reserve judgement for when the movie comes out.

Oh Jake, what went wrong? We had such high hopes for you after Donnie Darko, but now you're just turning tricks for the Hollywood dollar.
If I had to compile a list of actors who least resemble Persian princes, Mr Gyllenhaal might well feature in my top five...
That aside, it's a good game - which I recently revisited - but it possessed little that made me crave a movie adaption. If Disney really must insist on tramping around the Middle East, they should just stick to Aladin...

Good actor, excellent performances in Brokeback Mountain and Darko.

Jerry Bruckheimer seems to have a knack of making good enjoyable films, I think this will follow suit also.

( Edited 21.05.2008 13:50 by Linkyshinks )

Disney\'s making it? wth?

It\'s probably going to be good, but that kinda surprised me.

( Edited 21.05.2008 14:37 by edracon )

But I want Uwe Boll to make it.

The casting isnt bothering me, what is, is that the female part isnt called Farah :-/

\"but it possessed little that made me crave a movie adaption\"

Fantasic story telling and a witty script? Decent voiceacting? Good plot pacing.
Sands of Time far in a way makes more sense for a movie adapation then, say, Halo or Mario.

The only downside to me for SoT storywise was the fact the badguy WAS practicularly from Adeline :p

( Edited 21.05.2008 12:30 by Darkflame )

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Jake just wants to get his mitts on the dagger of time so that he can rewind to the day that he recieved the script for The Day After Tomorrow and then turn it down. Fair play to him.

Next film will be, Prince of Persia: Return of the Brokeback Prince.

I don't know what to think of this. Will wait and see.Smilie

OMG, brokeback prince!!!!!!!!!

Actually, its Bruckheimer, so it'll prolly be good, but it just doesn't seem lik Gyllenhall's specific brand of movie.

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David Zandi the real Prince of Persia should've been hired. Disney and Jerry really screwed up this great franchise.

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