New Final Fantasy IV DS Trailer

By Shane Jury 31.05.2008 12

A stunning trailer for the Final Fantasy 4 remake on DS has hit the Internet, in full English Voice acting and with superb cut scenes.

Final Fantasy IV will be released in the US on July 22nd, and sometime in the summer months for Europe.

Have your say on this trailer below.

Box art for Final Fantasy IV



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Although, I didn't expect Kain to have such a deep voice.

English voice acting is cheesy. I never knew Cecil's name was pronounced like that.

The voice acting on FFCC is pretty good once you get used to it really... I don't really like Rosa's voice though :/

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SuperLink said:
English voice acting is cheesy. I never knew Cecil's name was pronounced like that.

Really? How did you think it was pronounced?

It sounds better than most Japanese to English voice conversions though. This game will surely be a huge hit.

"Ses-sul" maybe? heard it pronounced that way a few times before. Maybe "See-sul" is how we Americans do it I suppose. As for the voice acting. I think it's superb! I'm on the same page as you iFrit. I wouldn't have expected Kain to have such a deep voice. Sounds like a better voice for Golbez personally. Don't matter either way to me though. Can't wait for the game! So close now!!!

It's hard to explain really. It's just a different way the "i" in his name is pronounced. In that video it's "Sess-ul" But I always thought it was "Sess-ill"

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Good trailer, I saw it earlier today. I agree that Kain's voice is a bit on the deep side, but that aside it sounds like its pretty well dubbed! Smilie

Lol, I've read other places too about people saying about how Cecil is pronounced. I've been doing it right, shame on anyone else who hasn't! Smilie

My God, finally my DS can get turned back on! its not had any playtime since i beat FFCC (best game so far on DS) & i finally got bored Of YGO (300+) Hours will do that yo ya lol. I even started playing hotel dusk again because i never completed it i was that bored on my DS. So thank you SquareEnix for some more DS love once again..and the voice acting was superb! I'd prefer shite voice acting anyday over just reading the words..voices bring the games more to life. JULY 22nd is in my notebook.

Has Cecil got the same voice as the Prince of Persia? Smilie

Topguy4 said:
My God, finally my DS can get turned back on! its not had any playtime since i beat FFCC (best game so far on DS)

I don't fully agree but I've been playing that non-stop lately and it's one of the best experiences I've had on DS so far Smilie the visuals and voice acting quality are excellent.

iFrit said:
Has Cecil got the same voice as the Prince of Persia? Smilie

I'm not sure but I think his voice sounds pretty good.

It sounds very clich� main character american accent though. I always thought his voice would be lower than Kain's. Dark Knight and all. Other than having a rather weak will, Kain's always been a nice chap.

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Looks awesome.

Will have to get this. It looks brilliant.

Looks (and sounds) like they're doing good work. Looking forward to this one!

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