Motus unveil XBOX 360 Wii Remote

By James Temperton 10.07.2008 22

Now this is interesting. We've known about some sort of motion controller for the XBOX 360 for some time now, but it has remained shrouded in a thick cloud of mystery and PR babble.

Now however, developer Motus have shown off a motion-sensing break-apart pad for the XBOX 360. The major question is whether this is a third party offering or the real deal first party contraption.

Developer Motus shows off motion-sensing, break-apart pad, but is it for third or first-party production? Nowhere on their website is it made clear if this is simply a third party product for the XBOX 360 or if the hardware developer have signed a deal with Microsoft to bring the controller, codenamed 'Darwin', to the system.

Image for Motus unveil XBOX 360 Wii Remote

The developer boasts:

'Darwin uses a number of sensors that allow it to know where it is (kind of like a personal GPS, but using a different kind of technology) It is self-contained, meaning what you hold is all you need, no IR strips or other devices for a reference point.'

It also provides a visual description of each element of the controller, showing that it breaks in half, which will apparently allow for three different modes of play. Single player with two hands, one hand or even multiplayer with one person using each half. Sounds pretty clever to us...if it works.

The company website takes a number of cheap swipes at the Nintendo Wii Remote in highlighting what it sees as strengths of their Darwin system. Time will tell just how good or bad the product seems to be, but it certainly shows a lot of promise, albeit fairly unoriginal promise.

Image for Motus unveil XBOX 360 Wii Remote

It has been rumoured that Microsoft will unveil some sort of motion-sensing controller at its E3 keynote conference on Monday July 14th, but speaking to MCV they refused to comment as to whether the Motus pad is what they will be showing at the event stating "We do not comment on rumour or speculation".

So there you have it. You can check out a nice little demonstration of the controller by clicking here.

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Looks like that game bop it. Or just a massive poll amongst other things. Looks a bit big if darwin is the final product.

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I kind of doubt that Microsoft would release something that looks like a dildo.

Oh lol. This isn't China you know Microsoft.

Ya know, I give up. Even if Wiimote is "stolen technology" or whatever, this could be the most blatent rip off yet.

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Smilie looks like he holding a big mote

Hmm looks likeit has better tech than the Wii Mote but then again, this better not bring shit-loads of rubbish 3rd party games to the 360.

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No chance of that.

Wiimote comes standard in over 25 million Wii consoles worldwide. This is, at the moment, a 3rd party controller that would have to sell to 30% of total X360 owners to make it relevant for developers.

Too little, too late.

The next time round, MS and Sony WILL be forced to do something 'different' as the semi caining Nintendo have given them has opened their eyes to lost potential profit and market share.

EdEN said:
Wiimote comes standard in over 25 million Wii consoles worldwide. This is, at the moment, a 3rd party controller that would have to sell to 30% of total X360 owners to make it relevant for developers.

Too little, too late.

Very good point. Plus this thing just looks pretty silly to me. I'm sure Microsoft could make something that looks much better than this

Its actualy physicaly impossible to position something without a referance point.
So I am very curious as to how this is supposed to work.

A "personal gps" use's orbiting satalites with timed signals so accurate that relativity has to be taken into account.
So Id LOVE to see how this positions itself without satelites or local markers.

I suspect it dosnt position itself absolutely at all, to be honest. I dought it could be used as a onscreen pointer. Allthough I guess it could if it used the old lightgun techique, and used on-screen referances.
(but that itself has huge downsides too...forcing game graphics to look certain ways at certain times) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Jump_button said:
Smilie looks like he holding a big mote

It breaks into two so you hold one in each hand.

Looks like some sort of creature made for Spore to me...

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Smilie at Darwin.

( Edited 10.07.2008 21:31 by Phoenixus )

Saw this earlier today and I can't say that i'm not surprised.

But the design does surprise me, I would have thought it would have been a bit more sixaxis than Wiimote.

Interesting idea but like eden said its too little too late and I can only see lots of the filth on Wii going on Xbox360.

"Take you hands off my... oh wait, my bad"

it's ugly

\"But the design does surprise me, I would have thought it would have been a bit more sixaxis than Wiimote.\"

Internaly, it may well me.
Sony also mocked the wii needing a sensorbar when they showed their 6axis. seems exactly like the 6 axis.
It dosnt sense absolute position at all.
Basicaly, its marketing bollocks.
It might sense yaw....something wiimotes cant...but it certaintly dosnt do anything the sensorbar lets the wii do.(distance to screen,screen location ect).

Metroid Corruption or Zack and Wiki wouldnt work.

( Edited 10.07.2008 23:48 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Wow, could they be anymore obvious? I seriously want to hear what kind of justification they come up when they're asked about this.

"We have developed an innovative product.." etc.

This was bound to happen I suppose.

one word.

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This company have been marketing this device for quite some time (trying to sell it to one tech company or another). If I remember correctly, it takes magnetic north as a reference point to work out it's position. Since that's a single point, it won't be able to do several of the things the Wiimote can. It's a nice idea though.

Big thing I notice, however, is that it's painfully obvious that this device hasn't been designed by a company that makes actual games. That's where the Wiimote comes out on top. All the way through, it's been designed with games in mind, by people that make games.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

So they copied Mii's idea from Nintey, they copied Singstar and EyeToy from Sony... Microsoft leading the games market with innovation!

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it looks rubbish to be honest Smilie i have a 360 and that stupid eyetoy rip off camera they released and theyhavent used it properly at all lol this is a gimmick that ll last a week if not a few days

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