Fire Emblem DS Website Opens

By Mike Mason 13.07.2008 3

The Japanese website for Fire Emblem DS has opened, featuring a few tutorial videos to whet our appetites, and also to show series first-timers how to play the games.

The website can be found here. Or you can skip right to the tutorials here.

Thanks to duckroll of NeoGAF for the information.

Fire Emblem DS (or Fire Emblem: New Shadow Dragons and the Blade of Light, to give it its full literally translated title) is the first in the series to feature online play, and is due to be released in Japan next month.

Box art for Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Intelligent Systems







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Can't wait till this comes out.

Same, hope they do the rest too!

Brawl Code 4983-6387-2983
Diamond Code 0387 8628 7636

This will probably be the game that will finally make me buy a DS.

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