New Tenchu 4 Trailer

By Shane Jury 29.07.2008 8

A new trailer of the upcoming Tenchu 4 has been released in Japan, with both Cut-Scene and Gameplay footage.

Tenchu 4 is being made by From Software, and will be published by Ubisoft for Retail release.

Thanks to C3's Linkyshinks for the tip.

Box art for Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
Also known as

Tenchu 4









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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (7 Votes)

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Looks awesome, but the animation I think is a bit lacking - bit jaggey and not so human-like.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks fun, although if No More Heroes is anything to go by, it won't get the publicity it needs.Smilie

It's certainly rough around the edges, I agree, but given the lack of success with the most recent of titles in the franchise that makes sense.

If this game is anything like the first game and it has well implemented enjoyable controls I cannot see this being anything but a commercial success. If that happens we can expect a sequel to look a lot better, at least in line with Tenchu Z on 360

Do want.

Arggh, Ubisoft!.

They keep bringing all the decent titles to the west making out as if it is them that is delivering the quality. It stinks.

( Edited 29.07.2008 15:14 by Linkyshinks )

Although this will most liekly not reach the uk until next year, nearing the end of spring at the earliest. I'm looking forward to hopefully a solid storyline, as tenchu z wasn't very solid, but was more of a side-series to tenchu.

The animation looks pretty decent, obviously inferior to that of tenchu z i'd say. But it look as if they have expanded on from tenchu z and it looks like it could be a good game, only time will tell.

The gameplay footage is PS2-level.

Martin_ said:
The gameplay footage is PS2-level.

I'd disagree graphically (textures, backgrounds etc) but in terms of animation and what's going on I'd agree - it seems a little clunky.

Linkyshinks said:
Arggh, Ubisoft!.

They keep bringing all the decent titles to the west making out as if it is them that is delivering the quality. It stinks.

Jay Sherman (Simpsons): "It stinks. It stinks. It stinks".

I agree on Ubi being annoying in almost taking the credit, but I'm happy that someone is stepping up to bringing these titles to Europe.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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