Square Enix's DS Horror Game Too Popular?

By Adam Riley 22.08.2008 11

Could Square Enix have misjudged just how popular its first foray into the horror genre would be in Japan? Nanashi no Game (The Game With No Name) hit the DS back in July and has sold over 50,000 units since release so far, but has now dropped out of the Media Create Top 50 after just a short time.

The First-Person Horror Adventure offers up an intriguing tale of an old 8-bit game that curses people, killing them seven days after playing it, with the gameplay switching from the First-Person Adventure format to the 8-bit game from time-to-time as the mystery is gradually unravelled, throwing in plenty of scares throughout, especially if played alone with earphones in.

Now it has been revealed that the game is more popular than some may have believed. Rather than interest waning in the product, larges stores such as Bic Camera are sold out and do not know when more stock will be made available. Hopefully Square Enix will be able to re-stock the game as quickly as possible, though.

With Square Enix Europe stating the game is currently under consideration for a Western release, there is still hope for this very enjoyable DS horror experience to break out of Japan...

Box art for Nanashi no Game
Also known as

The Game with No Name


Square Enix


Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Seven days? That's original...

No wonder Square didn't have high expectations from it. Smilie

( Edited 28.12.2012 13:52 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
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I beat this game a few weeks ago. It's kick ass ! And one of the most beautiful DS games ever made too ! I trully hope it comes to us someday. On of the best DS games out there !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Wow... It surely looks great in graphics - 3d-part - and I love the idea of the 8bit-game. It is funny and has great music! I love it.

I must confess, I would buy it right now...!
I loved Another Code, too and this is clearly polished with some ideas taken from other sources. But a video, that kills people after viewing it, isn't too easy to implement, SuperLink, no? Smilie

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

i want this game so much

Yeah I want this badly also but there was no way I was going to get the Japanese version. Hopefully it gains the success it needs after a re-stock and it comes to the west.

play hotel dusk ! its way better then another code !

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
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meowthemouse said:
play hotel dusk ! its way better then another code !

Okay, I will.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Its out already?!!
I badly want this game.

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They remade The Ring: Terror's Realm!!!Smilie
the worst game ever made!!

At least this might actually be good LOL

lol I got this....then completed it...in the same day.......

It's quite good but it's 7 pretty short days...

Because you don't have any weapons you're basically placed in 7 different areas which are basically like mazes, and you have to navigate your way through while avoiding the zombies.

But the day 2 puzzle I didn't get at all so had to cheat and look at a walkthrough. Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

SuperLink said:
Seven days? That's original...

No wonder Square didn't have high expectations from it. Smilie

Yeah but to be fair as stated, the game did look very good. If it does get a western release i hope its actually quite scary (unlike dementium) which i still enjoyed very much. I appreciate how hard it must be to actually create a scary portable game. I hate how a lot of brilliant games dont get released over here! Sin & punishment is not inclueded because thats is the most overhyped piece of crap ever.

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