Bomberman Blasts onto Nintendo's WiiWare

By Adam Riley 28.08.2008 6

Hudson Entertainment has announced that they are releasing Bomberman Blast, an all-new Bomberman for digital download for WiiWare on the Wii. Retaining the classic features Bomberman fans have come to love such as online multiplayer battles and numerous arenas, Bomberman Blast also incorporates new gameplay elements, including the use of Mii support and 8-person online multiplayer - the first time for Bomberman on Wii!

"The Bomberman franchise is one of Hudson Entertainment's most popular. We're driven by the support of the fans and strive to provide unique new gameplay features with each new Bomberman title to please the longtime fans, as well as make the game accessible to newcomers."
- Sabine Duvall, Vice President of Product Development at Hudson Entertainment.

Fans of the popular series will be able to compete either solo or as part of a team against the best Bomberman players worldwide, as Bomberman Blast delivers 8-player multiplayer battles online. By using their Miis, gamers will have the opportunity to definitively prove who has the best Mii by sending them into a Bomberman Blast arena, then blowing away the competition! Now who has the best Mii?

Bomberman Blast is the perfect party game, allowing players from around the world to join in on the fun. Up to four players on the same Wii can hop online. Even more, an online leaderboard shows just how good you are! Bomberman Blast is exactly what players would expect from a Bomberman game, with more ammunition, more online battles, and now, the support of Miis!

With the release of Bomberman Blast on WiiWare, Hudson Entertainment will offer several online tournaments, including one that coincides with the game's launch.

Box art for Bomberman Blast








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Bomberman? Popular? Hah! When I made my Bomberman appreciation thread I got 3 replies! At least I know there are a few members on C3 with Bomberman Story, all 4 of you!

And is this Wiiware one coming out instead of the Wii one? 'Cos the Wii one had a story mode... Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

MUST GET title. 8 player online is going to be great, 5 player is awesome on Wii but this will be far better.

I never saw that thread SL Smilie

I made it after Bomberman Story came out ;-; I even bumped it twice to keep it in the recent posts bar...

It was tragic. There were little Chibi Ninja corpses everywhere.

At least my blog on Bomberman Jetters seemed rather popular blog-wise.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Want, want, want! Yes, yes, YES!

Looks awesome.

Sounds AWESOME!. I love my Bomberman - 8 player GOODNESS. /orgasm.

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