Tales of Hearts Comparison Trailers

By Shane Jury 05.09.2008 10

Namco Bandai have released two videos for their DS title Tales of Hearts, comparing the two variations the game will be released in; Anime and CG.

The Anime Version, which is overseen by Production I.G (of whom also assisted with Wario Land Wii);

And the CG version, from a company called Shirogumi;

Although Namco Bandai are not likely to bring this game over in either form, considering that Tales of the Tempest and Tales of Innocence stayed in Japan, if this game were to make the trip, which version would you be interested in?

Box art for Tales of Hearts

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai


Real Time RPG



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Hmm. I don't know. Because it's not like it's terribly bad CG (ie, recent FF CG). I'm guessing RPG whores will go for the anime anyday.

oh my god, this looks amazing. i will cry if it doesn't get localized. i want it

i think i'll get the CG version... or both. they both look stunning

Nice, both look pretty awesome! I prefer the anime version though - because the CG does look lovely, but the characters seem a bit more creepy (esp the girl)

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Arghhh, why Namco why? Bring these games over to the West! I prefer the anime style, the Tales series has always been the "anime" RPG for me.

Very noice, I really want this game badly now. Both.

mOojc said:
Arghhh, why Namco why? Bring these games over to the West! I prefer the anime style, the Tales series has always been the "anime" RPG for me.

Yeah same here, but the generic character designs kinda put me off a little... is it just me or does the main guy look like a YuGiOh character?

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Does look like it, but then, so did the one at the end of Phantom Hourglass.
Also, that first charecter looks like Lloyd from ToS.

I really expected to prefer the Anime one, but in this case the CG one looks nicer. Not sure why.

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Is it just the cutscenes which are different? I noticed no obvious change in the gameplay presentation.

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I think all is the same, except cutscenes.
Shame, I can't decide what to get... I - in fact - want both...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

SuperLink said:
mOojc said:
Arghhh, why Namco why? Bring these games over to the West! I prefer the anime style, the Tales series has always been the "anime" RPG for me.

Yeah same here, but the generic character designs kinda put me off a little... is it just me or does the main guy look like a YuGiOh character?
he looks like a character in YUGIOH GX

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