Online-Enabled Bleach Slashes onto Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.09.2008 4

The Wii is set to receive more Bleach treatment, with a second adaptation courtesy of Sega in Bleach Versus Crusade.

The company recently revealed, that the project is underway, bringing more sword wielding antics but taking the idea of battle further. The teaser page promises "multi battle action" spanning a free-roaming 3D environment, 2 player split-screen and even online play.

It seems that Treasure will be handling development duties, hopefully doing the transition into the world of 3D action justice.

More information is set to fill the gaps on the official site from September 29th 2008.

Box art for Bleach Versus Crusade








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Great because the 1st Bleach Wii was 1995 fighting game shallow. Not much to do after you get all the characters. There are costumes, but they were meh. I hope their online will be better than Atari's attempt with DBZ:T3 because that lag made it unplayable. Also I want the Arrancar to have the ability to transform in this installment. GrimJow going hyper w/ no transformation was just lame.

"It seems that Treasure will be handling development duties"

gonna be a awsome game period

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
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*dies* Breaths yay, sounds much better than bleach the shattered blade witch was a bit of a let down. Online is much needed and a free roaming sould society/karakura town would be awesome.

If Treasure is handling the development, this will surely be great.

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