Ex Retro Studios Staff Partner with EA Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.09.2008 5

Three staff that have departed from Retro Studios after completing Metroid Prime 3 have partnered with EA to form a new studio.

According to Aussie-Nintendo, Armature Studio brings in the creative talents of Mark Pacini, Todd Keller and Jack Mathews, who at Retro were the Game Director, Art Director and Technology Engineer for the Metroid Prime series.

The trio, alongside other talents and support from EA, aim to create a brand new IP and are existed on working on different platforms as opposed to solely on Metroid for Nintendo GameCube and Wii. Keller did however state he would love to return to the Metroid world one day.

Armature will be creating some game prototypes, and EA will be shopping the best to other teams for competition. The publisher aims to use the experience and skills from industry veterans to take far more creative risks in an industry polluted with the same old stuff.

No formats or official projects have been mentioned, but having such talents working within one company would be one to keep an eye on.

Thanks to C3 reader Andre for the tip.

Box art for Metroid Prime





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That reminds me, I want to know what Retro Studios is working on. Oh and what about that Kid Icarus that shone by its absence at E�?

Losing the art guy is a blow.
Corruptions Art Direction was amazing.
It proved ART could trump technical suppiour systems because, imho, it looked far better then most PS3/360 games.

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Well, the art couldn't be the work of just one man. He might have left, but I'm pretty sure there are enough talented people still working at Retro Studios. It's a nice chance for them to climb up the ladder.

Three staff? Who gives a shit?

3 important staff members.

While Canyarion is right, the art isnt the work of one man, the art director is someone that creates and guides the overall style of a games visuals.
Plenty of companys have talented modelers,texture's and good concept-art drawers to bass those on. But all of those need direction on what to create, and good art direction in a game is actualy quite a rare thing.

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