Pikmin 3 Still on the Way: Miyamoto

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.10.2008 4

The critters are making a return to the Wii! Despite announcing a port of the GC original, a sequel is still on the way.

The company revealed big plans yesterday to release GameCube classics on the Wii, some of which would have Wii-specific controls implemented. The original GameCube Pikmin was a title on the list, and it has had some gamers worried that this would be the "new Pikmin" that Shigeru Miyamoto had referred to at this year's E3 convention in July.

IGN: Nintendo announced a new series of GCN games that will be ported to Wii with updated controls out of Japan. Will this series be coming to America?

Cammie Dunaway: We're still talking about what we're going to launch when. It's certainly something that we've got under discussion.

IGN: One of those GCN rereleases for Wii is Pikmin. We just want to clarify that this is not Pikmin 3 that Miyamoto referenced at E3 2008.

Cammie Dunaway: It's not the Pikmin that Mr. Miyamoto referred to, no. Mr. Miyamoto referred to a new Pikmin, as opposed to the classics that are being rereleased on Wii.

Phew! Pikmin fans can enjoy the original titles remastered on Wii, and also look forward to an all-new adventure for the adorable little creatures.

Box art for Pikmin 3








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YAY! Smilie Happy.

Bravo! Pikmin 3 most definitely exists! Smilie

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I hope they get together with Skip and release GiftPia over here. Also hopefully they re release Baiten Katos 1 and 2 because I missed both of them as did many people.

( Edited 03.10.2008 13:44 by Stulaw )

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Thank God!

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