Carnival MiniGolf Hits Nintendo Wii in US

By Adam Riley 21.10.2008

2K Play has announced Carnival Games MiniGolf for the Wii is now shipping to retailers throughout North America. Carnival Games MiniGolf was built from the ground up to take full advantage of the unique capabilities of the Wii Remote. The title was developed by Cat Daddy Games, the 2K studio that created the original Carnival Games, which has now shipped over 2 million copies worldwide.

"Carnival Games connected with the Wii audience on three major counts: fun for all age groups, innovative use of the Wii Remote and the entire family made time to play together. In Carnival Games MiniGolf we've expanded the franchise by combining familiar characters, traditional miniature golf fare and action-oriented gameplay, creating a brand-new family gaming experience."
- Steve Lux, vice president of business development for 2K Play.

Carnival Games MiniGolf features over 25 larger-than-life holes spanning nine theme park style courses. While attempting to maintain par in Adventure, Challenge and Trick Shot modes, gamers should expect to be walking the plank in Pirate's Delight, having a showdown in the Wild West, riding a pterodactyl in Prehistoria, shooting ghostly ghouls in Spook-O-Rama, jiving to jungle beats in the Amazeon or playing with wizard golf balls in Fairytella.

Additionally, Carnival Games MiniGolf is designed for up to four players and includes a "friendly diversions" feature that allows players to humorously distract their opponents, although loudly ringing a cow bell is unlikely to result in any sportsmanship awards. Players can win over 100 usable prizes, including custom clubs, wacky wearables and special golf balls. For the first time, they will be able to save their winnings, as well as the characters they create, to their Wii Remote and take it to a friend's house to play and prize swap.

Carnival Games MiniGolf for Wii has a suggested retail price of US$39.99 and has not yet been given a firm European release date.

Box art for Carnival Games MiniGolf

Cat Daddy


2K Play





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