Nintendo DS Getting Legacy of Ys RPG in US

By Adam Riley 23.10.2008 1

Atlus is busy preparing a special treat of Nintendo DS fans in North America, packaging not only the first Ys remake, but Ys II as well in one handy DS cartridge...except 'Legacy of Ys: Book I & II' has not been officially announced yet, more a 'leak' has been discovered on US online retailer Gamestop.

Whilst Japan had to make do with buying the 3D remakes of the classic Turbo-Grafx 16 RPGs separately on DS back in March of this year, Atlus has done the wise thing and bundled the two together, with a release temporarily set for 10th February, 2009 (no doubt the finalised date will be included in the official Press Release when it hits)

Below is the overview of the games' stories:

"Stories tell of a land of yore, now shrouded by centuries of time forgotten, called Ys. Despite its great knowledge, endless wealth, and bountiful prosperity, a sudden and unexpected cataclysm devastated the realm. Soon, its memory had faded completely from the minds of man. Centuries later, a young adventurer named Adol set sail to explore the world and leave his mark on history. During his travels, he learned of the tragic tale of Esteria, a once prosperous island now inexplicably engulfed by a crippling storm. Adol plotted a course for the besieged isle, curious to unravel the mystery..."

Some of the key features of this new package are as follows:

  • Two Legendary RPGs on One Cartridge - Experience two all time classics that helped shape the action RPG genre… Now on a portable system
  • Upgraded Ys Experience - Behold remastered 3D graphics, a remixed musical score, and new enemies and equipment to discover. Touch control and local wireless multiplayer for up to four people deepen the adventure, while difficulty levels and dual control schemes tailor the experience to the gamer.
  • The Definitive Story - Available to North American audiences for the first time, this ultimate translation delivers the most substantial version of the famous Ys story ever made.
And finally here are video clips of both games in action, with Ys I first and Ys II at the bottom:

With any luck 505 Games will quickly pick up this gem for the European territories, as Rising Star Games may not touch it following the disaster that was Ys Strategy. We shall see...

Box art for Legacy of Ys: Books I & II





Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Ok, this is great news. I was about to buy Ys' I & II on VC but seeing this makes it easier to wait for the remake release. Those $9 will gladly go to the purchase of this special edition on February.

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