Sonic Unleashed - Adabat Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.10.2008 4

The blue wonder sails gracefully across a gorgeous island in his latest adventure, with a new trailer.

Sega...unleashed some new gameplay sequences in the last couple days, including a look at the island/tropic environment for our favourite hedgehog to zip around in, Adabat. He jumps, slides and grinds in ridiculously high speed to mighty catchy tunes pumping in the background.

Last week a trailer for the desert version also hit using the Wii engine, and despite a fair few differences in visual detail compared to the HD versions on the 360/PS3, looks pretty darn gorgeous in action:

Sonic and his warehog alter-ego pop into retailers later this year.

Box art for Sonic Unleashed

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (27 Votes)

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Wii version does look pretty promising, not too different from the Xbox and PS3 ones - you can see a load more murky/jaggy textures but that's to be expected.

Definitely can't wait to pick this up, been yearning for a new Sonic to play for ages!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

This is gunna be a hard decision for me, im really stuck between the Wii and Xbox versions. Id like to have a shiny Sonic game and for it to play nicely. I dont want juddery or annoying non responsive wii controls to mess it up. However i wouldnt mind playing with the novelty controls if they work. Looks like im gunna have to wait for reviews!

Wow! That first trailer has me sold! It looks AMAZING! A definitely good-looking 3-D Sonic game! Finally!

Thing I'm worried about is the camera - seems so shift quite a fair bit, so could be pretty tricky to get used to!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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