Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2008 13

Cubed3 was lucky enough to get the chance to talk with Nintendo and Monolith Soft about the highly rated Disaster: Day of Crisis on Wii, the game that Reggie Fils-Aime is still mulling over whether or not to grant it a US release. The adventure of Raymond Bryce as he takes on Mother Nature and a terrorist threat is one deserving of any Wii owner's attention and the team was eager to show just how passionate they were during the development process and how keen they are to do a sequel and potentially expand the series in the future if fans want it to happen. Read on for the full interview…
Image for Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii's Adam Riley: Disaster was set to be one of the first releases for Wii. Can you please explain some of the issues during development that caused such a long delay? How large was the development team compared to a game like Baten Kaitos?

Tadashi Nomura, Producer, MONOLITH SOFTWARE INC.: The delay in development was not simply caused by any one reason alone, but by a complicated matrix of them! Some of the members of MONOLITH SOFTWARE took more time than expected to fully understand what Wii the hardware is all about and the potential of just what it can do. On top of this, because no genre other than that of RPGs was familiar to us, so development took longer to ensure the game's overall quality. As for the volume of the development team, it was actually slightly larger than that of "Baten Kaitos" games.

Image for Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii

AR: Sales in Japan have been slow so far, but has the game still managed to meet expectations? And how is the game faring in Europe so far - do you feel that it is a game more suited to the Western market?

Hitoshi Yamagami, Producer, Nintendo Co., Ltd.: Unfortunately, the game's sales figure shows it is performing lower than expected. It could be said that 'DISASTER' is more suitable for Westerners (US, Europe, etc) since they like to watch more panic-action or 'disaster' movies and the game's atmosphere is more popular over there. But it is also a fascinating experience for Japanese people, as we also enjoy watching them! So regardless of the region, 'DISASTER' can be enjoyed by any consumer that loves 'disaster' style movies.

AR: Where did the inspiration for Disaster come from - any particular movies, or was it mainly based on the creativeness of the development team?

Keiichi Ono, Director, MONOLITH SOFTWARE INC.: There was no particular title from which we drew inspiration; instead the idea of the game is based on a variety disaster movies released so far! We started the project with the idea of bringing seriousness and tension into the videogame, whilst at the same time inserting an element of fun.

Image for Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii

AR: Can you explain the reason for including so many different genre styles in Day of Crisis? Was there ever any temptation to simply stick to a standard Third-Person Adventure?

Ono-san: The differing approach was used because we intended to let gamers play with the various aspects of a disaster by using different actions and styles for specific situations. Also, the unique interface brought about by the Wii Remote contributed considerably. Of course Third-Person or standard adventure styles were among our main options, but our priority was to keep the pace high to mimic when real crises are coming in and out rapidly, just like in a disaster movie. As a result we adopted these styles, but there were so many wonderful options other than those. We would like to see the possibility for them to come into play if we have chance to develop the sequel…

AR: What sort of extras have been included to help give the gamer more value for money, and did you ever consider adding a multiplayer mode or Wi-Fi functions?

Ono-san: There are plenty of extra elements included for when the story mode has been completed, such as additional costumes, difficulty settings and endings, which were added in for players to enjoy playing through the story again. Also, our decision was that multiplayer or Wi-Fi functionality would not be suitable for the theme of this title, so we decided to design it intensively for the single player experience.

Image for Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii

AR: Monolith Soft primarily focuses on the RPG genre. Will the team be going back to doing games like Baten Kaitos now that Disaster has been completed?

Nomura-san: We are aiming to enhance our range of development in the future, as already seen in our first step, "DISASTER", which belongs to a genre other than RPG and has been rated by many as having a good enough quality. Of course I do not mean that MONOLITH SOFTWARE will abandon RPGs altogether, so worry not!

AR: Considering Monolith Soft's experience on DS, with Soma Bringer and Infinite Frontier already released, do you think it would be possible to create a version of Disaster for the portable system, using the stylus control to replace the Wii Remote's motion system?

Ono-san: We certainly can consider that if we have many requests! Obviously, though, I feel the Wii is more suitable for "DISASTER" than the Nintendo DS, mainly as one of its main attractive features is how it depicts the natural phenomena on a large scale.

Image for Interview | Monolith & Nintendo Talk Disaster: Day of Crisis Wii

AR: Once the game is completed, it certainly seems like there is scope for a sequel. Will we see Raymond Bryce facing more terrorist threats and battling with Mother Nature again in the future?

Yamagami-san: Yes we have actually already got a concept for a sequel in place. However, it can never be realised unless the original achieves a good sales result and we receive many requests from as many customers as possible asking for a sequel. We are definitely looking forward to the requests for that, so please let us know!

AR: What would you say to people in order to convince them to buy Disaster: Day of Crisis?

Ono-san: It is an exceptionally unique blockbuster videogame for Wii. I think you can enjoy playing a game with such seriousness and various actions that you have never seen before. So please give Disaster a try!

AR: Finally, Hirohide Sugiura of Monolith Soft previously told that the team was eager to do Baten Kaitos for DS, and had 'several' Wii games in development. Can you please provide our readers with an update on these points?

Nomura-san: We at MONOLITH SOFTWARE are still willing to start developing a new "Baten Kaitos" when the time is ripe…As for our new Wii games, they will be disclosed by Nintendo again when the company sees fit to do so. In the meantime, please hold on and remain patient...

* * *

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Box art for Disaster: Day of Crisis








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God I hope this game games to the States.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

I have it. Its good

I really don't know why this game isn't given a chance in the US, especially now when the hype is high.

I seriously hope Monolith Soft gets a chance to develope a sequel, where they can improve on all the points some reviews have pointed out as lacking a bit.

Nintendo, give them the chance! The concept is very fun.

It really annoys me when a decent game like this comes along and Nintendo do practically nothing to help it sell and instead focus on advertising 3 year old games cough *brain training and nintendogs* cough.

With a little help, Nintendo could have created enough interest to help the title achieve decent sales.Smilie

Nintendoooooooo, I want this!!!!!! Give it a chance, it's not like you will lose any money!!!

Great interview, good stuff Adam! Disaster's a decent game, and really should have done better. In the UK I've seen no promotion for the game on tv, stores, web etc. There's pretty much zilch.

Nintendo barely even mention the game in their Christmas lists! It's all about Wii Music and Animal Crossing. Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
It really annoys me when a decent game like this comes along and Nintendo do practically nothing to help it sell and instead focus on advertising 3 year old games cough *brain training and nintendogs* cough.
Yeah I've seen a ton of new TV adverts recently pushing Wii Music, brain training nintendogs...but not one "core" game.

But wow those screens do look dated compared to 360/PS3 games D: But still I'm hoping it'll be okay in motion Smilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Nice interview Adam. I hate for these guys that the game isn't selling too well..

Hopefully Reggie gives us the opportunity to buy the game Stateside...

٩๏̯͡๏)۶ said:
But wow those screens do look dated compared to 360/PS3 games D: But still I'm hoping it'll be okay in motion Smilie

People have been slating the game's visuals, but when you play it's actually far more impressive than it seems. The only major bug-bear for me was how shoddy some of the textures were (like flames burning away in the background...wander up and they're decidedly flat).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
٩๏̯͡๏)۶ said:
But wow those screens do look dated compared to 360/PS3 games D: But still I'm hoping it'll be okay in motion Smilie

People have been slating the game's visuals, but when you play it's actually far more impressive than it seems. The only major bug-bear for me was how shoddy some of the textures were (like flames burning away in the background...wander up and they're decidedly flat).

That's one of my biggest pet-peeves, flames that look ridiculously unrealistic. Smilie

I'm a huge fan of Monolith Soft. I find all of their games to have an exceptional devotion to achieving the feeling of a very polished, very immersive experience. I'll follow them with interest whatever they do next. Oh, and BRING DISASTER HERE (America) SOON!!!

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
It really annoys me when a decent game like this comes along and Nintendo do practically nothing to help it sell and instead focus on advertising 3 year old games cough *brain training and nintendogs* cough.

Exactly - in a lot of ways it's Nintendo's fault that the game's not doing as well as it should. There's jack all promotion for it. I see a Wii Music advert at least once a day, sometimes two or three times. Brawl and Mario Kart ones a few times a week.

Nothing for Disaster.

I can't believe that Brain Training and nintendogs are still in their "games for the holidays" list.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, I can't believe nintendogs, Brain Training and Big Brain Academy are all being pushed AGAIN this Christmas. Give it a bit of a rest and promote Fire Emblem for DS, as well as Disaster for Wii instead!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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