Ubisoft Smash Up Wii with Turtle Power

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.01.2009 12

Ubisoft Smash Up Wii with Turtle Power on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The pizza-loving, crime fighting turtles make a welcome return to the video game world thanks to Ubisoft and Game Arts.

The word Ubisoft paired up with Wii usually conjures up the notion of dread and impending apocalyptic doom, but fortunately Game Arts are on hand to bring a slice of quality to the classic cartoon franchise. The developer has previously worked on Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii, Grandia series for PlayStation and Lunar for Nintendo's portables.

A pair of screenshots for your visual pleasure:

Image for Ubisoft Smash Up Wii with Turtle Power

Image for Ubisoft Smash Up Wii with Turtle Power

Image for Ubisoft Smash Up Wii with Turtle Power

More shots in the album below..

We're really excited to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the first TMNT® comic and we have a number of radical 'Shell-ebration' events planned for 2009. The awesome new video game that Ubisoft will release in 2009 is an important part of celebrating this Turtles milestone with fans around the world.

Gary Richardson, CEO of Mirage Studios.

There is no better tribute to the Turtles than the creation of a brand-new gam
e that will help to launch the next 25 years of success. It's our pleasure to partner again with Mirage as part of the worldwide birthday celebration for the Turtles.

Tony Key, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Ubisoft.

Box art for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up

Game Arts







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why is every site (kotaku, IGN, ect.) only now posting about this? The news is a month and a half old from Nintendo Power.

edracon said:
why is every site (kotaku, IGN, ect.) only now posting about this? The news is a month and a half old from Nintendo Power.

First screens, and Ubisoft just officially confirmed it via press release etc.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It was confirmed in that NP, and they had the same pics + more. xD UBIsoft needs to show all the pics.

edracon said:
It was confirmed in that NP, and they had the same pics + more. xD UBIsoft needs to show all the pics.

Just updated the game's album with a few more

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I can get some scans of the rest of the pics if you want.

It's probably nostalgia, but I'm a sucker for the Turtles. If this is anywhere near Brawl, I'll most likely end up with it.

edracon said:
I can get some scans of the rest of the pics if you want.

Unfortunately I can't stick up US/English speaking scans as we've been told off before for doing that. Japanese folk don't seem to mind though Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, there was a pretty lenghty article in Nintendo Power about this. It actually looks pretty decent. Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

This could be the first Ubisoft game I'm interested in for the Wii. I loved the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles when I was younger and this is looking and sounding good.

If it's as good as Teenage Mutant Heroes Turtles: Tournament Fighters on the SNES, then I'll definitely be picking it up.

Unfortunately, licensed (and 3D Castlevania) games are guilty until proven innocent

Will there be more than the 6 characters that I can think of off the top of my head?

That\'s where I think Smash Bros has got it nailed, the character selection, also the detail in the characters.

All I see here are some shiny plastic turtles and nice looking water.

( Edited 27.01.2009 19:52 by Stulaw )

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If memory serves me.... Didn't Ubisoft claim this will be the Smash Bros killer because of it's connectivity? Smilie If that is the key feature to kill Smash Bros then Eternal Ocean has killed it too.

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