Rumour: Touch Screen PSP on the Way?

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.01.2009 27

Rumour: Touch Screen PSP on the Way? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

According to rumours the sequel to Sony's PlayStation portable will include multi-touch technology.

IGN has spoken to a handful of sources that confirm Sony is working on a sequel to the mildly successful PlayStation Portable. It's said to boast input improvements, including dual thumbsticks and a widescreen multi-touch interface (much like Apple's iPhone) for in-game control and navigation. The reports fall in line with a consumer survey recently sent out requesting what features players would like to see in new PSP hardware.

The electronics giant refused to comment on speculation with the standard: "We can't comment on rumors or speculation."

Would a touch-screen PSP cause problems for Nintendo? Do you think the portable king can be dethroned?

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If it has touch as well as thumbsticks, hell yes, it will definitely be a very strong contender against both.

It's a shame they did not do all this from the start, if they had done I think the PSP would have powned the DS in every way.

I disagree. The DS has a certain charm to it, and a base stronger than the PSP's (the starting price points were also very important)

But it would have been excellent all the same. Whenever I play my PSP I get the urge to touch the screen on menus, and sometimes even look on the back for a stylus! Not to mention pretty much all other handheld gadgets have gone the same way, and it's second nature by now.

DS has truly stumbled upon something that will surely become an essential part of handheld gaming.

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Possibly one of the best design choices for the PSP Sony could make if they did this.

( Edited 27.01.2009 12:59 by shiptoncraig )

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SuperLink said:
I disagree. The DS has a certain charm to it, and a base stronger than the PSP's (the starting price points were also very important)

But it would have been excellent all the same. Whenever I play my PSP I get the urge to touch the screen on menus, and sometimes even look on the back for a stylus! Not to mention pretty much all other handheld gadgets have gone the same way, and it's second nature by now.

DS has truly stumbled upon something that will surely become an essential part of handheld gaming.

Err..what has charm got to do with it?. The DS created that base on the back of the PSP's failures to give owners what they expected, not because of it's price point.

the majority of the ds' user base are children, its cheap and child friendly thats why its more successful than the psp. nintendo will always trump playstation and any other company when it comes to handhelds because they know who their target audience is.

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The PSP screen is already very fragile (a shame for a handheld) and now they're going to add touch screen functionnality ? I can see defectuous consoles coming, with a luxuous widescreen but very fragile and dead pixels all over the place. As long as Sony will be selling their handheld as a luxuous and very fragile product, they'll fail to take on Nintendo's userbase. IMO, there's a public for robust handheld consoles like the DS, which is very large, and a small portion who want a luxuous product. the PSP will trapped between being a handheld console (DS) and an expensive hi-tech gadget (the iPhone and iPod Touch), i don't believe any instant that it's gonna be much more successful than the current PSP.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Nah, people didn't buy PSP's at first for two reasons:

Battery life
(we can ignore game selection here, as the DS and PSP were equally horrendous at first)

It was far too cost prohibitive for a handheld. I don't think the hardware has anything to do with it, as the PSP has better hardware than the DS already. The DS won because it has better games and a better pricepoint. I don't think a new model will help much though; considering that developers are already wary about releasing games to the fanbase that the PSP has already built up over the years, you can bet they'll be wary about releasing brand new games to a brand new Sony platform.

Oh, and for some reason Sony thought it was a great idea to put all the PSP's exclusives on PS2. Thankfully it seems like that's stopped a bit now.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yowch, IGN just get slapped by Sony, they went above and beyond the usual "we don't comment on rumors and speculation"

"Clearly, being a quiet time of year, many, what we thought to be credible websites, are making up stories about PSP2, and how it allows you to teleport across the globe, travel through time, and will be powered by the horns of baby rhinoceroses," Sony explained. "Hopefully, you can sense a mild tone of sarcasm, which should hopefully indicate how 'on the money' IGN are. Needless to say, we don't comment on rumour or speculation, but this is nonsense."

Jacob4000 said:
Nah, people didn\'t

The DS won because it has better games and a better pricepoint. I don\'t think a new model will help much though; considering that developers are already wary about releasing games to the fanbase that the PSP has already built up over the years, you can bet they\'ll be wary about releasing brand new games to a brand new Sony platform.

Yeah, I think they should focus more on games and less on hardware. Most people I know who have a PSP just end up modding to play older games (like NES or SNES which seems completely backwards to me) anything you have to mod up to enjoy, is probably not worth buying.

( Edited 27.01.2009 14:53 by JustJoe )

Wow, owned?

Wish people would shout at IGN like that more often.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It is to be expected. Anyway, if there aren't games for it, I doubt it will cause "problems" to Nintendo. Not to mention the DS appeals to a much larger audience.

"Clearly, being a quiet time of year, many, what we thought to be credible websites, are making up stories about PSP2, and how it allows you to teleport across the globe, travel through time, and will be powered by the horns of baby rhinoceroses," Sony explained. "Hopefully, you can sense a mild tone of sarcasm, which should hopefully indicate how 'on the money' IGN are. Needless to say, we don't comment on rumour or speculation, but this is nonsense."


Yeah, I think touch screen is just gonna become standard for most handheld devices, and not just game consoles. So PSP2 having touch screen is pretty likely, imo. Though Kafei2006 is right, the screen is pretty scratchable already, so I'd want a clamshell design.

"Clearly, being a quiet time of year, many, what we thought to be credible websites, are making up stories about PSP2, and how it allows you to teleport across the globe, travel through time, and will be powered by the horns of baby rhinoceroses," Sony explained. "Hopefully, you can sense a mild tone of sarcasm, which should hopefully indicate how 'on the money' IGN are. Needless to say, we don't comment on rumour or speculation, but this is nonsense."

What a slap to the face! Smilie

The new PSP will probably cause a problem; ever since its release, people have been whining for a second stick. Now that they have it, people with the old PSP will get the new one, just adding to the number of people who will already get it.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Touchscreen is cheap to add, so its more a "why the hell not" style thing.

But they would be fools to think thats enough.
Camera and AR based games are needed now to take the lead.

"It's a shame they did not do all this from the start, if they had done I think the PSP would have powned the DS in every way."

Not in battary life or durability. Nor price.

(Also, games with controlls like Metroid Hunters would still be impossible on the system, but thats minor compared with the crapness that comes from the UMD system. Needing memory cards on a handheld didnt help early sales either!) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Getting rid of the stupid umd disks is what would be the best upgrade. Would be a huge battery saver too.

Our member of the week

With the new SD card standard SDXC coming in 2010 allowing for up to 2TBytes in a card that\'s a few squareinches wide, it\'s the death of the disc based systems. And the next nintendo handheld is sure to provide cartridges that can hold up more data than any disc sony might come up with. because i\'m sure, knowing Sony, that they\'ll come up with a new disc standard once more, and claim it to be the next big standard like they did with UMD. The difference between the two is gonna be that Sony will once more have loading times where Nintendo doesn\'t (PSP2 does what Nintendon\'t. remember ? Smilie ). And on a handheld it\'s a shame to have that much loading times, and also THAT LONG !

( Edited 27.01.2009 19:32 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

The PSP in my experience is: a clunky piece of junk, thumbstick pad always broke off, not what I'd call ergonomic (hell, or vaguely comfortable), unwieldy media, very closed hardware, making any of it's possible uses accessible terminates warranty/makes suitable for foundation repair, and just plain pricey. The nomad was a better handheld by far. Smilie

Thumbstick broke off? You must of been playing it with some force XD.
I really enjoy playing the psp but I wouldnt want a touch screen for the psp, reason being because I have both consoles anyways so I\'m happy Smilie

( Edited 27.01.2009 22:53 by Falcon Armour X )

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Ikana said:
"Clearly, being a quiet time of year, many, what we thought to be credible websites, are making up stories about PSP2, and how it allows you to teleport across the globe, travel through time, and will be powered by the horns of baby rhinoceroses," Sony explained. "Hopefully, you can sense a mild tone of sarcasm, which should hopefully indicate how 'on the money' IGN are. Needless to say, we don't comment on rumour or speculation, but this is nonsense."


Yeah, I think touch screen is just gonna become standard for most handheld devices, and not just game consoles. So PSP2 having touch screen is pretty likely, imo. Though Kafei2006 is right, the screen is pretty scratchable already, so I'd want a clamshell design.

If they did The clam shell idea wont they be In-fragmenting Nintendo's patient for the DS? Also! I't funny people siad that the DS's controls are gimmiky just like the Wii's too didn't they.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

They are gimmicky but in the case of the DS it's an excellent gimmick that may have changed portable gaming as we know it.

Wii has been less successful as a gimmick.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wolvesgod said:

If they did The clam shell idea wont they be In-fragmenting Nintendo's patient for the DS?

I doubt it. Not like the DS is the first/only thing to use a clamshell design. So long as the PSP2 doesn't have 2 screens. Smilie

SuperLink said:

Wii has been less successful as a gimmick.

I don\'t see how the Wii was unsuccessful because it\'s the new birth of a new control \"scheme\" for home consoles. Just like the NES with it\'s control pad, people will start using Motion control in their home console possibly next generation.

( Edited 28.01.2009 00:05 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

From the outset, the PSP had the advantage. Sony hyped up it's little machine as the "adult" portable, and successfully skewed the public view of the DS as "kiddy" even before either of them launched. It was a great tactic, but Sony failed to capitalize on the major drought Nintendo had with new games, and allowed Nintendo to release Nintendogs, with nothing to rival it. That game, I believe, turned the tide; it showed female non-gamers, and adults that the DS was capable of some immersing experiences.

So yes, I believe that exact moment gave the DS it's "charm". Even though it was underpowered and supposedly "kiddy", it proved to be great fun, and that right there is the charm- it's actually fun. Don't get me wrong, I own both a DSlite and a PSP-2000, and I play both equally, however, I find the DS to offer more fun with software that does a great job of taking advantage of its features. The PSP is more of a "Hey! I have a widescreen, and I make pretty graphics!" machine to me. Yeah there are some great titles on the PSP, however, those titles have a 9/10 chance of being an existing franchise scaled down to portable level; it's a trait I am not particularly fond of.

Adding a touch screen functionality would really help Sony at least stand a chance against the behemoth "kiddy" DS, however, as we all know, Nintendo can't get enough of innovation. What that means is, while Sony plays "catch-up", Nintendo will play "innovator".

To be completely honest though, the features don't mean a thing if the software isn't there to utilize and reinforce the concept behind them. Gimmick or not, DS has proven its features to be the future for portable gaming.

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

Wolvesgod said:
SuperLink said:

Wii has been less successful as a gimmick.

I don\'t see how the Wii was unsuccessful because it\'s the new birth of a new control \"scheme\" for home consoles. Just like the NES with it\'s control pad, people will start using Motion control in their home console possibly next generation.

Well, he said less successful, not unsuccessful. Smilie
Personally I\'m not yet convinced that motion control is the future. Most motion controls on Wii are just \'waggle\' to do this or that. Twisting and moving closer and further to control things is often pretty awkward. The best feature of the Wii Remote that I really feel adds to quite a few games is the pointing, not the motion control. Games like Eledees and Red Steel are great fun simply because of the pointer control. The only game I can think of that makes effective use of the motion control is Kororinpa.
Hopefully that\'ll change with the release of Motion Plus. Smilie

But, um, getting off topic slightly. Smilie Touch control is becoming more and more standard in all types of portable devices, so it\'s to be expected regardless of the DS\'s success.

( Edited 28.01.2009 01:25 by Ikana )

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