Sega Sets MadWorld Euro Date

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.02.2009 7

Sega Sets MadWorld Euro Date on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have set a European release date for the Wii-exclusive Platinum Games title, MadWorld.

MadWorld tells the tale of a chap known as Jack who's equipped with a chainsaw arm and is thrown into Varrigan City: a town made into a free-for-all game show known as Death Watch. The prize, $100 million, the goal: survival.

The blood fest arrives on our shores on March 20th 2009. Be sure to check our our hands-on preview for more info!

Box art for MadWorld








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I wonder if they'll be releasing in Japan.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Oh wow that's so soon. Where the hell is the advertising? They better not expect this to sell on its own.

Because that friday is the easy day for the kids to pick it up!



tiamat1990 said:
Oh wow that's so soon. Where the hell is the advertising? They better not expect this to sell on its own.

I've been seeing a lot of commercials, they won't huge like Pepsi commercials but they still have 'em

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Its too early to see TV ads.

i saw some stuff on youtube..
looks good (i feel it borrows from gears of war in some aspects but none the less an artistic game)
This game, the conduit, TMNT brawl.. 2009 looks promissing

Yay can't wait Smilie

Wii GOTY! Smilie

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