Strong Bad WiiWare Sales Double with Extra Storage

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2009 4

Strong Bad WiiWare Sales Double with Extra Storage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Telltale has announced that WiiWare sales for Strong Bad have more than doubled since Nintendo's latest Wii update.

The update saw additional storage solutions become available on Wii, with players able to insert SD/SDHC cards of up to 32GB, store and run their favourite applications directly from these instead of needing to keep switching.

Nintendo's new solution really opens the door for players to add to their collection of downloadable games, which is critical for a series with multiple instalments. This is a major step forward for episodic gaming. We're looking forward to even greater success on WiiWare with Strong Bad, as well as other projects.

Telltale CEO Dan Connors.

The games can be downloaded from the Nintendo Shop Channel for 1,000 points per episode.

Box art for Strong Bad








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I knew it, sales of all VC and Wiiware games will likely increase.

Great little series, I really hope they'll make a Season Two.

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Does he mean weekly or total sales?

Because total sales would be crazy.

Fantastic news.

This should have been an obvious solution since launch. Probably would have kept hudson releasing older titles. I know that personally I have purchased more games since the upgrade.

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