Konami Sings Along to Karaoke Revolution

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.04.2009 3

Konami Sings Along to Karaoke Revolution on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy singing instead of playing guitar or bashing away at drums? Konami have announced the multiplatform Karaoke Revolution.

The latest title in the karaoke range of games will be available on the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3, letting music fans sing along to 50 hit tunes (all from master recordings) in 16 original/customisable venues using unique on-screen characters. PS3 and Xbox 360 owners will be able to download tracks/clothes/venues - it seems the Wii version may be absent of this feature.

It'll come with its own microphone and is in stores during Q4 2009.

Box art for Karaoke Revolution








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I like the Karaoke Revolution games quite a bit. That being said, not having DLC for a game such as this is absolutely inexcusable. I can live without the DLC or online capabilities in some games, but songs eventually get old and the ability to buy new songs makes a huge difference in a game like this.

If this turns out to be true, a game I would almost certainly have picked up will become one I will absolutely refuse to buy. There is no reason for this.

Agreed. Developer no longer have any excuse for not supporting DLC on Wii.

I third that. That saddens me that they can not take the time to make the DLC happen... The Wii version will most likely bomb...

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