Need For Speed: Nitro Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.05.2009 9

Need For Speed: Nitro Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA have posted up a new trailer for their Nintendo-exclusive racer, Need for Speed: Intro, giving the franchise a new lick of paint.

Nitro sees the return of the customisable cars and dirty street racing fans have loved in past NFS games but with a more casual approach and distinctive visual style. It's being worked on by EA Montreal for a release sometime this year.

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Update: EA have sent over the first batch of screens from the Wii version -

Image for Need For Speed: Nitro Trailer
Image for Need For Speed: Nitro Trailer
Image for Need For Speed: Nitro Trailer
Image for Need For Speed: Nitro Trailer

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This is actually the firt NFS game I've been looking forward to in a while. IGN mentioned 'accidently' in their NVC podcast last week that it was 'like Burnout on Wii'. If anything, this should be atleast an 8/10 when it comes out.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Stulaw said:
This is actually the firt NFS game I've been looking forward to in a while. IGN mentioned 'accidently' in their NVC podcast last week that it was 'like Burnout on Wii'. If anything, this should be atleast an 8/10 when it comes out.

Awesome - anything that comes close to Burnout should be pretty decent! Hope we do end up getting a proper Burnout game on the Wii, tis an awesome lil racer!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Nintendo exclusive eh? So maybe the controls won\'t be balls this time? Smilie

Seeing as we all know exactly what to expect from a Need for Speed - I\'d say that\'s the only thing that really matters!

I guess the success of this might have an effect on whether the Wii ever gets its own Burnout game. Surely they wouldn\'t bother if this bombs. And vice-verca. Smilie

( Edited 19.05.2009 23:00 by TheStratMan )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

You just can't tell anything with this prerendered shite.

Looks like a Dreamcast game....!

Set in italy?
The only other racer that I really like is Burnout, pure speed Smilie

Echoes221 said:
Set in italy?
The only other racer that I really like is Burnout, pure speed Smilie

It\'s actually set in all sorts of places in Europe and America.

And i\'m really liking the style. Plus, it\'s actually fully locked on at 60fps no frame dips apparently.

( Edited 21.05.2009 08:18 by Stulaw )

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

Deblob meets need for speed?

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I do like the style it seems to suit the Wii perfectly.

Being an exclusive hopefully this will mean motion control can be properly implemented and deliver a truly unique driving experience.

What I really want to see is custom paint jobs like you could do on DS but much much better. People have made some really good ones on Forza 2 on 360 so I hope if they put it in NFS it will be equally as great.

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