E309 | Old Atari Games to be Resurrected

By Adam Riley 01.06.2009 3

E309 | Old Atari Games to be Resurrected on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever sat there and hoped some of Atari's age-old back-catalogue would be brought back? Then you might well be in luck. Last year Cryptic Studios, the developer behind City of Heroes, was bought out by Atari and the original plan was for the team to work on a secret project until sometime in 2011, it seems. Now, though, the team has been given another project to look at - namely the resurrection of old Atari Intellectual Properties.

During an Atari/Infogrames investor call, it was revealed that Cryptic Studios will in fact be working on a batch of new games that are based upon old Atari games. Cryptic apparently "is working on the development of a series of new games based on Atari's existing and historically successful IPs."

What classic Atari games would you like to see make a comeback?

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Centipede in 2.5D on Wiiware,

And Tempest is quite addictive, although, I think the gameplay mechanics may be a bit old fashioned.

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Tempest2000 ftw Smilie

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Wonder what games they are working on. Good news though.

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