E309 Media | High Voltage Demonstrates The Grinder

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.06.2009 21

E309 Media | High Voltage Demonstrates The Grinder on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

High Voltage demonstrated the recently announced Wii co-op horror shooter, The Grinder, at this year's E3. First gameplay videos inside..

The Grinder shoves you in the role of a freelance hunter who sets out to eradicate blood-hungry monsters after recent outbreaks. Blast through vampires, warewolves and other gruesome foes with at least 3 others online.

Thanks to C3 reader meeto_0.


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looks very fluid and superb graphics once again. Great music samples. Art direction suites this games best out of the three high voltage games. They just need some branching game mechanics to keep it fresh. The Mine cart for example would have been good to ride. Need to really pay attention to the environment to stop it looking stale.

Guest 03.06.2009#2

Are they playing this with a gamecube controller? Turning doesn't look good at all.

Also just blasting away at hordes of neverending enemies doesn't seem fun for longer than half an hour, even with other players.

Not interested.

extremely slow turning point. I'd up that sensitivity right there...

I thought it looked more exciting than that MAG game yesterday, especially towards the end of the second video with the werewolves and the hordes of those creepy gargoyle like enemies. I think it looks like a lot of fun, especially if you\'re playing it with some friends in co-op.

All in all it looks like it could use a bit more variety to it, but that\'s only ten minutes of the game there. You could probably show a similar ten minute video of Resi 4, doesn\'t mean the entire game is just going to be mindless shooting. More than anything, this was probably just to give us an idea of what the game looked like, and to show they weren\'t joking when talking about having a ton of enemies on screen.

( Edited 03.06.2009 19:58 by Jacob4000 )

Bart.... said:

Also just blasting away at hordes of neverending enemies doesn't seem fun for longer than half an hour, even with other players.

left 4 dead.


Aki-T spilt the water.
Guest 03.06.2009#6

TaoFire said:
Bart.... said:

Also just blasting away at hordes of neverending enemies doesn't seem fun for longer than half an hour, even with other players.

left 4 dead.


Yep, since I haven't played that game.

erv said:
extremely slow turning point. I'd up that sensitivity right there...

Which company are we talking about here? Precisely, the only company that gives you fully customizeable controls, dead zone calibration and HUD changing. Of course they haven't forgotten the sensitivity, it's not finished yet.

I think I'm with my Dutch buddy Bart here. It does look boring.
At least L4D (I only played the demo) had these moments without enemies. Just creeping around, wondering where the next attack will come from, that's cool.

This is just run and gun. We need better.

This is a 10min demo not the WHOLE game. It is not due out till winter NEXT year. Your suppose to admire the number of enemies on screen without lag. I know onrail shooters on wii that can't manage this. Some people Smilie

Obviously you'll be able to customize the controls (probably even more than you can in Conduit), and I'm sure they just wanted to show off how much mayhem you'd get to experience on screen without any hiccups. It's way too early to judge, but I like what I see. Smilie

Canyarion said:
I think I'm with my Dutch buddy Bart here. It does look boring.
At least L4D (I only played the demo) had these moments without enemies. Just creeping around, wondering where the next attack will come from, that's cool.

This is just run and gun. We need better.

He's from Belgium, actually. I'm the Dutch one here >=( ..

I think this looks pretty impressive technically, and fits right up my alley gameplay-wise.
I loved Serious Sam+similar games just for the frantic action, and I rather enjoy Left4Dead as well, so if this gets decent reviews: WILL-get.^^

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Guest 03.06.2009#12

Faust D. Stroyer said:
Canyarion said:
I think I\'m with my Dutch buddy Bart here. It does look boring.
At least L4D (I only played the demo) had these moments without enemies. Just creeping around, wondering where the next attack will come from, that\'s cool.

This is just run and gun. We need better.

He\'s from Belgium, actually. I\'m the Dutch one here >=( ..

Haha, that reminds me of a time I managed to convince a friend of mine my parents were from Pakistan as well as that time I convinced someone my dad was a famous basketball player despite me being very small for my age at that time.Smilie

( Edited 03.06.2009 22:42 by Bart.... )

Yes, talk about jumping the gun on the critism there.

They are showing off what they made so far, and it looks darn fine to me.

oh, and they already said it will be MORE customisable then Conduit.

I absolute love the graphical style, my own crit is that long loading time at the start. Hopefully thats going to be optimised.

( Edited 03.06.2009 22:35 by Darkflame )

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Bart.... said:
Faust D. Stroyer said:
Canyarion said:
I think I'm with my Dutch buddy Bart here. It does look boring.
At least L4D (I only played the demo) had these moments without enemies. Just creeping around, wondering where the next attack will come from, that's cool.

This is just run and gun. We need better.

He's from Belgium, actually. I'm the Dutch one here >=( ..

Haha, that reminds me of a time I managed to convince a friend of mine my parents were from Pakistan as well as that time I convinced someone my dad was a famous basketball player despite me being very small for my age at that time.Smilie

So you ARE Dutch? You confuzzled me, man :-( ..

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Darkflame said:

I absolute love the graphical style, my own crit is that long loading time at the start. Hopefully thats going to be optimised.

I was surprised how much I liked the look of it. If they can fit in different locations (that fit) and litter the game with set pieces like RE4 had and gears of war i.e gun turrets to defend territory etc. it could be an interesting game. The first load is ok as long as its not throughout the game. Although no loads is always best.

Yeah, pretty much my thinking too.
Diversity is the key.

I notice the enviroment is nice and destructable, hopefully they will use that to good effect. (Secret gun-caches behind walls or under floorboards, purhapes....or areas when you can shoot something down to take out a load of enemys at once)

I'm english, but I live in Tilburg.
I think half the net lives in the netherlands at times O_o

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
Yeah, pretty much my thinking too.
Diversity is the key.

I notice the enviroment is nice and destructable, hopefully they will use that to good effect. (Secret gun-caches behind walls or under floorboards, purhapes....or areas when you can shoot something down to take out a load of enemys at once)

I'm english, but I live in Tilburg.
I think half the net lives in the netherlands at times O_o

Tilburg fucking sucks, man. Was there to do some flyering a while back, and basically 99% of the people there have their head so far up their ass that,, that,, *something witty* >=(

Back on-topic; Didn't even notice the destructability, nice one =D

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Guest 04.06.2009#18

Faust D. Stroyer said:

So you ARE Dutch? You confuzzled me, man :-( ..

Sorry Faustman, I thought I said something silly when I made that comment like 'Awel, ik mot weer terug naar mienen fritkot, zenne!', something like that.
Well it seemed like a fun thing to do back then, didn't know you'd get all confuzzled like!

Bart.... said:
Faust D. Stroyer said:

So you ARE Dutch? You confuzzled me, man :-( ..

Sorry Faustman, I thought I said something silly when I made that comment like \'Awel, ik mot weer terug naar mienen fritkot, zenne!\', something like that.
Well it seemed like a fun thing to do back then, didn\'t know you\'d get all confuzzled like!

Nah, it was more me going \"Woohoo, I knew it, a DUTCHMAN!\" and then you replied with a \"Nope, Vlaming;-Smilie.\" GRRR >=(

( Edited 04.06.2009 15:22 by Faust D. Stroyer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Guest 04.06.2009#20

Faust D. Stroyer said:
Bart.... said:
Faust D. Stroyer said:

So you ARE Dutch? You confuzzled me, man :-( ..

Sorry Faustman, I thought I said something silly when I made that comment like 'Awel, ik mot weer terug naar mienen fritkot, zenne!', something like that.
Well it seemed like a fun thing to do back then, didn't know you'd get all confuzzled like!

Nah, it was more me going "Woohoo, I knew it, a DUTCHMAN!" and then you replied with a "Nope, Vlaming;-Smilie." GRRR >=(

I have a strange sense of humour sometimes.Smilie

So that's at least 4 people living in the Netherlands.

Darkflame, spreek je een beetje Nederlands?

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