Super Mario Galaxy Goes HD

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.07.2009 19

Super Mario Galaxy Goes HD on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In recent months graphics whores have been emulating the Wii in "HD" 720p - the latest candidate being one of the console's most beautiful titles: Super Mario Galaxy.

Though Nintendo's space-themed platformer is, as it stands, visually impressive and sometimes truly mind-blowing in design, fans had said that it would have been even sweeter with that high-definition gloss.

Over on NeoGAF, using an emulator to run the game, they've produced a series of dazzling shots of Mario venturing through the various galaxies in higher resolution.

Click on the screens below for the higher-resolution shots.

Thanks to Marzy for the tip.

With the result looking pretty spiffy, could Nintendo have easily included stronger visual capabilities in the Wii? Would you have preferred Mario Galaxy looking like this?

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy





3D Platformer



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Sigh. I know this is an ancient topic, but why didn't Nintendo make the Wii HD. Smilie

( Edited 21.07.2013 08:52 by Guest )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

I can't deny it looks nice but I'm not quite sure the method used (emulation then up scaling) is an accurate way to show a game such as SMG in 720p. Another way of saying what I mean is you can make something look as good as you want with software post event - but to actually get in running is another matter. Just look at how many 360 and PS3 games suffer from slowdown (choppy framerate) with the hugh CPU and GPU power at their disposal.

( Edited 21.07.2013 08:52 by Guest )

if only Big N didt cut back on the power just think how much better the game will look

still one of the best games of all time really up there with mario 64

cant wait for galaxy 2

( Edited 21.07.2013 08:52 by Guest )

thing is, i think the emulator just played ISO files unchanged, so theres nothing stopping Nintendo releasing a HD wii that does this same effect and work with the entier wii libary untouched.

( Edited 21.07.2013 08:52 by Guest )

Super Mario Galaxy still looks pretty good on my HD telly through component.

I can't wait for SMG2! Smilie

To be honest it does look nice, but in all fairness the graphics as they are already impressed me. Visually i still think its the best looking Wii game out there.

Nintendo has failed us. I've already seen Twilight Princess HD and now this. Up middle finger.

Graphics are important in a game, no doubt, but why do slightly upped visuals suddenly make such a difference?
Gameplay is the most important part of a game.
If you enjoy playing it, who cares what it looks like?
Dunno about all else but visuals are the last thing I pay attention to.

Guest 06.07.2009#9

Yep it looks nice, but you get used to it in 2 seconds, so no biggie.

Thisissuperk have you played SD content on a big screen HDTV?

Bart.... said:
Yep it looks nice, but you get used to it in 2 seconds, so no biggie.


Even the X360 never quite "wow"ed me because I'd already seen a lot of similar stuff on my PC way beforehand.

Once you get used to it, you're only going to notice stuff like textures not loading properly, animations being choppy/awkward, etcetera more than usual because everything else is so 'good.' Well, that's the case with me anyways,, *looks at Gears of War*Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Guest 06.07.2009#12

Faust D. Stroyer said:
Bart.... said:
Yep it looks nice, but you get used to it in 2 seconds, so no biggie.


Even the X360 never quite "wow"ed me because I'd already seen a lot of similar stuff on my PC way beforehand.

Once you get used to it, you're only going to notice stuff like textures not loading properly, animations being choppy/awkward, etcetera more than usual because everything else is so 'good.' Well, that's the case with me anyways,, *looks at Gears of War*Smilie

Me too. Sometimes it seems unfair, but everything has to look good, not just great texturework and high resolutions. I get highly irritated when I'm playing a super realistic game and you still see a guy with his hand going through the wall. Goddamnit. Bugs the shit out of me.

Yeah but this changes nothing big on the game... it's just smaller jaggies, but using the same engine, same physics, nothing really changes besides an amplified image. Still nice though, it would be awesome on a 50" TV.

I think I can make this short and elegant. What do the following games have in common?
Vampire Rain
Assassin's Creed
Ninja Gaiden

Ms.Pac-Man was better... Nuff said.

I never thought HD was a big deal either. I always thought it was just another "graphic enhancement" when all the HD talk came up. I always thought that way for years when HD came into the discussion. All the way up until about a month ago.

A month ago I never saw HD, never knew what it looked like, or the way every minute detail was clarified through the TV screen. When my suitemate turned on his 60 inch TV and then turned on the HD switch for Gears of War 2...I was...amazed. Smilie

The graphic improvements were incomparable and it really felt like I had reached the 3rd generation of gaming. "This is what games are supposed to look like!", I thought. I had been poisoned. Poisoned by the forbidden apple of truth.

Once you go don't go back...or Once you go HD...its extremely disappointing to have to go back. There is definitely a heightened level of enjoyment when playing high def.

That being said, shame on you Nintendo for keeping this from me!!!:-x Get with the program already! If they fail to change (I.E. Zelda) OR keep up with simple (Like mii wardrobe) things the long run, I don't know what will happen.

I just had to rant is all. The graphics for Mario Galaxy are great. I've seen them without HD and they look awesome. I'm not one to knock a game just because of its graphics (I still play Kirby Airride for crying out loud) I'm an old school gamer, but please Nintendo try to keep up.Smilie

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

What's all this about Galaxy being playabl--

Super Mario Galaxy Goes HD

Image for

Scariest part is it's not even the technical stuff that gets me going wow in those pics, it's the actual art behind it.

Man do I fucking need a new PC or laptop.Smilie

A month ago I never saw HD, never knew what it looked like, or the way every minute detail was clarified through the TV screen. When my suitemate turned on his 60 inch TV and then turned on the HD switch for Gears of War 2...I was...amazed.

I did the exact same thing with Gears of War 1.
My reaction was \"meh\"

Colour,saturation, contrast make much more difference then resolution, imho.
(Probably because they are all things your brain can perceive despite movement.)

Once you go don\'t go back

If thats true, PC gameing would have always dominated.
Lots of people played much higher resolution games on PCs for decades, but they (mostly) gave into console gaming due to convience.
So lots -have- gone back.
Resolution just wasnt -that- big a deal. For every person that sweared by it, 10 more just didnt care.
If your close to the screen and doing mostly \"static\" games (or word-processing Smilie), then of course, it maters.
But a few meters away? with fast paced games where your not processing all the detail anyway? nah, not so much.

The only difference these days is HD has a big branding push. Purhapes PC gaming might have done better if they pushed it too.

( Edited 07.07.2009 18:06 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I agree the graphics look more impressive in those pictures, but the game as is looks amazing enough. I am not a graphics whore, so I wont pass on a game if it's graphics aren't HD.

That being said, I do own a 1080p HD TV, with an HDMI-connected 360, so I do enjoy HD gaming at its best, but I still play my Wii on an old school 480i TV, and I am not complaining as long as what I am playing is good.

Playability > Graphics any day in my opinion.

I don't post much, but I will appreciate any feedback on the posts I do make. Feel free to PM

Darkflame said:
A month ago I never saw HD, never knew what it looked like, or the way every minute detail was clarified through the TV screen. When my suitemate turned on his 60 inch TV and then turned on the HD switch for Gears of War 2...I was...amazed.

I did the exact same thing with Gears of War 1.
My reaction was "meh"

Colour,saturation, contrast make much more difference then resolution, imho.
(Probably because they are all things your brain can perceive despite movement.)

Once you go don't go back

If thats true, PC gameing would have always dominated.
Lots of people played much higher resolution games on PCs for decades, but they (mostly) gave into console gaming due to convience.
So lots -have- gone back.
Resolution just wasnt -that- big a deal. For every person that sweared by it, 10 more just didnt care.
If your close to the screen and doing mostly "static" games (or word-processing Smilie), then of course, it maters.
But a few meters away? with fast paced games where your not processing all the detail anyway? nah, not so much.

The only difference these days is HD has a big branding push. Purhapes PC gaming might have done better if they pushed it too.

Woah there quick-draw put in the whole quote.

"Once you go don't go back...or Once you go HD...its extremely disappointing to have to go back"

I didn't say that HD was the all-end, case-closed, answer to gameplay as you seem to be implying.

I did the exact same thing with Gears of War 1.
My reaction was "meh"

To each his own. But, then again Gears of War 2 had better graphics than Gears 1 so I guess its reasonable.

I'm saying that adding HD to games isn't an unreasonable request. HD is everywhere. On our TV-shows, on our sports channel, hell, its even on the news!

I see it now more than ever since now I am a multi-console owner. Adding an optional HD component would boost sales. It boggles my mind why wouldn't a powerhouse like Nintendo not take advantage and get with the times.

Diablo II
"I'll make weapons from your bones!" - The Smith Paladin: I will cleanse this wilderness. Deckard Cain: Stay a while and listen!

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