NOA Switches Focus to WiiWare over VC

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.07.2009 14

NOA Switches Focus to WiiWare over VC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With the lack of Virtual Console games in the US in recent weeks, fans have gotten in touch with Nintendo for an answer.

A customer service representative for Nintendo, perhaps not the most reliable of sources, has revealed that WiiWare has become the primary focus for Nintendo of America. It looks as if there'll still be classic games added, just just less frequently than before.

We understand your concern about the lack of service on the VC as of late. Due to sales numbers being far greater recently on WiiWare than on Virtual Console, we have decided to steer in the direction of WiiWare.

Also, we in America have NO plans to update the Internet Channel or the Nintendo Channel. We hope you understand.

Thanks to GameBag via Nintendo Life.

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WHAT. No updated to Nintendo Channel? What the heeeelllll?! That's a bit odd....

And, the VC probably has a better rate for good titles than Wiiware does >.<

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I doubt VC games take any effort at all to put up. I could understand if they did anything with the roms but since they don't, there's just no excuse.

And the 'NO' to the updated Nintendo Channel recently released in Japan is a kick to the groin.

Hopefully this is just a customer service employee's own take on the matter and not an official answer.

Too be honest this is a good thing, I\'d rather have new wiiware game than old VC games.

I can easily emulate all the VC games on the wii anyway. Smilie

( Edited 29.07.2009 14:45 by Mario_0 )

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Not convinced that response is even genuine.

I dont think many big stuff is left for VC.

I could understand if they did anything with the roms but since they don't, there's just no excuse.

-almost- nothing.
They sometimes need license checks, rating approval and for N64 games sometimes emulator tweaks.
(as the game is effectively a rom/emulator bundle).

Probably the thing that takes longest is playtesting.
Even if something works 100%, they still gota test it in order to know that. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darn! I was hoping to see Gauntlet 64 some time soon...

Oh well, back to emus!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

PoRtCuLLiS said:
Not convinced that response is even genuine.

Exactly, Cubed 3, get in touch with Ninty and confirm or quash this?

A mixed bag here. On the one hand it's good that they're focusing on releasing new software over emulating old stuff. On the other hand, there haven't been a whole lot of WiiWare titles so far that have been truly special.

As for the Internet and Nintendo Channel updates... there's no excuse for that. But then again, given how insanely secretive Nintendo is about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, they could be working on said updates right now. Who knows?

Since most WiiWare games are just utter crap, this really dissapoints me. To be fair, there are a lot of older crap games, but there is that nostalgia thing going on.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Keven said:
Since most WiiWare games are just utter crap, this really dissapoints me. To be fair, there are a lot of older crap games, but there is that nostalgia thing going on.

*lol* At least you are honest.

Truly, I spent a lot of money on VC games and I don't feel like they entertain me anymore - at last. I don't play them much after purchase, except the classics I jut want to own on VC like A Link To The Past or Ocarina Of Time and some others. So I think I am better off with Wiiware titles. Furthermore, I honestly don't think the support of good VC titles lasts forever. So I can understand NoA.

What's with the updated channels? Did I miss something? How have they been updated in Japan?

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Laurelin said:
What's with the updated channels? Did I miss something? How have they been updated in Japan?

The Nintendo Channel has been updated in Japan. It has a completely new interface which is much better.

I'm not sure about the Internet Channel but I don't think that's been updated anywhere.

The internet channel is a damn joke like the DSi's internet features. Someone port Firefox already for homebrew.

satsubatsu347 said:
The internet channel is a damn joke like the DSi's internet features. Someone port Firefox already for homebrew.

Agree, FUCK SAKE Nintendo. I prefer that NOA work on WiiWare the Virtual Console, if I want to play old games I'll go to an arcade.

It isn't the browsers fault it's more the hardware. A firefox browser would just be as shit.

Your browsing the internet with a 640*480 resolution, no hardrive, bare minimum flash, hardley any RAM

Opera have done a pretty good job but it's ALWAYS going to suck untill Wii goes HD.

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