Wada-san Wants to Gain Nintendo Gamers' Trust

By Adam Riley 03.08.2009 5

Wada-san Wants to Gain Nintendo Gamers

Speaking in an interview with EDGE, Yasuhiro Wada of Marvelous has stated Marvelous needs to gain gamers' trust, especially owners of Nintendo platforms. Whilst it has brought either well-known games like Harvest Moon, or highly-rated ones like Arc Rise Fantasia to Wii, so far sales have not been anywhere near as high as many would have expected. Wada-san, one of the main directors at Marvelous Entertainment and the creator of Harvest Moon, believes that whilst certain companies can sell their games on reputation alone, sadly Marvelous does not have such a level of trust amongst the gaming community. Some think it is mainly due to the Wii not being suitable for 'core' games, yet Wada disagrees, stating Nintendo's system is definitely not to blame:

I don't think it is about the platform. Of course it can't offer the same level of performance and HD visuals of the other high spec platforms. Having the possibility to display 100 characters on screen where you would be limited to 30 on the Wii won't make the game any more fun. This is not where the essence of video gaming is. I remember having some incredible fun on the very first black and white GameBoy. Today, you have plenty of beautiful games that are not very fun to play. So it is not about the hardware.

The reason why our games are not selling as much we would like could be found in the name of our company. Marvelous has just reached the point its games are getting noticed and getting good reviews. But we are not a major name yet. The Marvelous brand is still associated to some not so good titles we made in the past. We are yet to gain the brand value of companies like Nintendo, Capcom or Square Enix. Even if you don't fully understand what a title is about, because it's branded Nintendo, Capcom or Square Enix, you feel like ok to buy and try it. A Marvelous game has yet to gain such recognition and trust from users. Now, if you consider the big but very light population of casual users, they don't know about Marvelous at all. This population is by far the majority on the Wii. So in that sense, you could indeed think the Wii factor is working against us. But at the same time, if you consider games like Umbrella Chronicles, Biohazard 4 or a Tales Of RPG on the same Wii, you find that those games sell more than 200,000 or 300,000 copies. So there is a gamer market on the platform. I'm sure there are potentially about a million of them. So we need to gain the trust of these users.

Have you picked up the likes of Little King's Story or other Marvelous games yet, or are planning to?

Box art for Arc Rise Fantasia





Turn Based RPG



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Went and took a look at their game list, nothing grabs my attention. I don\'t think they need to gains someone\'s trust or talk in depth about the gaming community as he did. From what i can see on their list, they just lack any head turning games, everything is a happy happy cutey game like harvest moon or alot of japanese culture which wouldn\'t appeal overseas so much. All they gotta do i make some different games, add range, and do it well.

If you make it, they will come.

( Edited 03.08.2009 10:24 by welshwuff )

Wow...A developer saying something sensible, accurate and well thought out, without pushing the buck.
Amazing Smilie

There is a lot in what he says, I only vaguely heard of Marvelous, and wouldn't have been able to say for sure what games they did.
But then, I trust very very few games company's on reputation anyway, so it really comes down to reviews and if its a game I might like.

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Darkflame said:
Wow...A developer saying something sensible, accurate and well thought out, without pushing the buck.
Amazing Smilie

There is a lot in what he says, I only vaguely heard of Marvelous, and wouldn't have been able to say for sure what games they did.
But then, I trust very very few games company's on reputation anyway, so it really comes down to reviews and if its a game I might like.

Exactly what I was thinking!

He speaks wise words. Well, most of their games coming out I'm interested in anyway. I have No More Heroes and Luminous Arc 1&2, and I'm planning on getting No More Heroes 2, Arc Rise Fantasia, and possibly Muramasa. So I'm already on board with Marvelous - any company that has given me both No More Heroes and Gunslinger Girl has my enthusiasm.

They've dropped Harvest Moon in the toilet. Harvest Moon 64 was the last one that held my attention. A Wonderful Life was awful and Tree of Tranquility had some some really stupid problems with it and it got boring quickly. It has it's moments, but after a while there's just too much downtime in between them. And the cutesy-ness of Tree of Tranquility got old fast.

I don't guess their other games appeal to me much.

TAG: That American Guy

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