Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Wii Bound

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2009 11

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Wii Bound on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Activision has confirmed plans to bring Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare over to the Wii later this year.

The critically acclaimed first person shooter made its debut back in 2007 across multiple platforms, PC, Mac and Nintendo's DS but since then there have only been rumours for a Wii release. The publisher has confirmed a release on November 10th 2009, with Treyarch handling the porting work.

The game will also be launching alongside Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2, available on next-generation consoles.

Thanks to Stulaw, wAyNe - sTaRT and Canyarion.

What do you think of the move? Are you interested in a Wii version, or should the studio have worked on something new for Nintendo's console?

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Infinity Ward




First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (17 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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Isn't Treyarch the company that tends to balls up CoD games? I'd like to say I'm looking forward to this but I'm not convinced the Wii has the engine to replicate the intense gameplay/atmosphere of Modern Warfare. What about the multiplayer? That was epic on the original, but I doubt with the Wii's online capabilities, friend-code junk and what not - that it'd be that fun.

Why do I always have to be so negative when I comment on news storys?

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

So when will we get warfare 2? I\'ve already completed COD4 so I\'m not too bothered, It will all be about modern warfare 2 I believe.

Online, I hope they do Not lobby systems but Server Systems. Make it much better for online. None of that waiting bollocks.

( Edited 05.08.2009 21:24 by Echoes221 )

Could be good news. Cant believe how few first (or third) person shooters there are. Havent played any COD

The online will probably the same as what\'s in World at War. Not as good as the 360/PS3 but about as good as the Wii can handle.

Those who enjoyed World at War on Wii will enjoy Modern Warfare. Infinity Ward seem to not be interesting in the Wii so at least Treyarch are helping Wii only owners out.

( Edited 05.08.2009 22:11 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Didn't Treyarch develop World at War (for all platforms)? World at War wasn't too bad at all even if it was incredibly like CoD4 but just in a WWII setting. I'll like to see their attempt at porting CoD4 on Wii though but in the end I'll stick to the PC version.

I will wait to see how this one turns out, maybe enhancing the gameplay with Motion+ and maybe online aswell. Although it coming from Treyarch porting a Infinity Ward game is like Valve letting EA port the Orange Box to the PlayStation 3, oh wait... :-x

Hmmm I won't be getting either prob. I played COD4 on the PC multiplayer and solo and found it quite boring, blank in a way. The crappy gun sounds annoyed me too. I reckon Valve should get on with a really good war franchise, their gun sounds are the best really. You can "feel" the AK47 firing in CSS even though mice don't have rumble in them. Imagine those sounds coming out of your wiimote's speaker +rumble. It should be pretty awesome to say the least.

I'm very interested in the Wii version!
It looks realyl good and it's a good idea

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

I am in to these games for fun and challenging single player. World at War was okay but multiplayer was where it truly shined... and that is why I sold it.

I fail to see how this is a good idea. For one thing, it seems clear to me that the reason this is a port of a 2-year-old game rather than another version of the new one is that they did not have time to bring the entire game to Wii, and so they ported the old one. Not that this works in the game's favor, or anything close to it. What concerns me more, though, is that two of the biggest standout features of this game were generally agreed to be its cutting-edge visuals and its innovative online multiplayer - in other words, the two weakest areas by far for the Wii.
If it has an intuitive/customizable control scheme comparable to The Conduit and preserves the offline multiplayer modes from the other console versions (REAL offline multiplayer, not the neutered model they had in World at War), I still might be interested in this. I will wait for more information, but otherwise I will likely just get the PC version.

I think this would be fun i have call of duty WAW on wii and its great
have nmo problems so i dont think cod 4 will have no probs
and i think the cover will look like this
i made this cover

Image for

( Edited 09.08.2009 02:21 by cod5wiifan )

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