Nintendo Offers Flipnote Studio DSi for Free

By Adam Riley 11.08.2009 11

Nintendo Offers Flipnote Studio DSi for Free on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

If you've ever wanted to create your own cartoons or animated movies, then head over to the Nintendo DSi Shop, as Flipnote Studio launches on 14th August in Europe on Nintendo DSiWare - and is downloadable for free!

Do you remember seeing old-fashioned flip-pads when you were a child? You draw a sequence of images, one per page. Flicking through the pages at speed creates the illusion of movement - which is exactly how cartoons are made today.

Flipnote Studio is an application which allows you to create these animations on your Nintendo DSi! Of course, you could use it just as an electronic notepad, allowing you to quickly save handwritten and even vocal memos - but why stop there? Get your creative juices flowing - Flipnote Studio is the perfect virtual animation studio where you can create short animated sketches called Flipnotes. These can then be shared online via a special service accessible with the Nintendo DSi: Flipnote Hatena.

Using the Flipnote Hatena with Nintendo Wi-Fi connection, you are free to trade, grade and save animations from all Flipnote Studio users. It is even possible to continue a Flipnote created by another user. User-created Flipnotes can also be watched, evaluated and commented on devices such as a PC via the Nintendo DSi: Flipnote Hatena website. (

One single Flipnote animation can have hundreds of frames, meaning there is plenty of scope to get creative - but the software remains beautifully simple to use and no technical knowledge is required in order to create an animation.

The tools are very simple - a pen, eraser and paint brush, with three colours available: black, red and blue. You can adjust the speed of the Flipnote, copy and paste pages or 'frames' and even import photos as black and white images from the Nintendo DSi Camera Album.

Once an image is imported, its contrast and saturation can be adjusted using a slider system for different visual effects and an outline effect can be applied to make an image made up of outlines, as if drawn into the software. Use the Nintendo DSi's microphone to record sounds for your Flipnote, such as music, speech or sound effects… Then you are ready to show and share your creation with your friends and family!

There are some additional tools for expert users - such as layering, shrinking, enlarging and advanced recording - and you can save your animation to an SD card to play on a friend's Nintendo DSi.

Two users of Flipnote Studio may share Flipnotes using the Wireless Communication feature of the Nintendo DSi, and when Flipnotes have been shared between users, they can save each other as friends on the Nintendo DSi system and on Flipbook Hatena.

Head over to the Nintendo DSi Shop on the 14th August, download Flipnote Studio for free and start creating your own cartoons!

Box art for Flipnote Studio








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Awesome, I've been looking forward to this. Should be fun to mess around with. Smilie And free is always awesome. Smilie

I'm guessing it'll also be the second version that hit Japan, which included more options Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

The free apps have been generally better than the apps you pay for it seems?
Because we all know this beats the clocks we can get.

Free forever, or free if you download it within a few months? I never got my free internet channel for Wii... and I'm not going to buy €5 for it.

I don't have a DSi.

Man, it's about time. And it's FREE too? Awesome!

Am I glad I bought a DSi recently =3

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Is a collection of university text books to doodle on in development? So we can sketch extra shaggy beards and private bits on pictures of Joan of Arc? Smilie

satsubatsu347 said:
Is a collection of university text books to doodle on in development? So we can sketch extra shaggy beards and private bits on pictures of Joan of Arc? Smilie

You're being sarcy about a FREE application that can result in worldwide hilarity while saving you tons of paper and ink/pencils?

C'mon, man. It's FREE!Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

This looks really fun. Back when I was a kid, I use to make those flip books by doodling on the corners of long books.

I can\'t wait to see what other people come up with. I don\'t have the patience to animate a lot, but some people can get very dedicated with these sorts of things.

( Edited 12.08.2009 05:24 by PMD )

unknown (guest) 05.11.2009#10


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