Free Classic Metroid for Trilogy Fans

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.08.2009 17

Free Classic Metroid for Trilogy Fans on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first 5000 fans to grab a copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy can download a copy of the original NES Metroid game.

From the launch of the collection on September 4th in Europe, the first 5000 who register the game, and have registered any of the three Metroid Primes, will be able to find of where it all started by downloading the debut game, for free.

What do you think of the offer - will you be buying a copy of the game? Should Nintendo run more virtual console incentives?

Box art for Metroid Prime Trilogy





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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (7 Votes)

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This week\'s edition of SL\'s witty MP slating!

1- Almost makes buying the Trilogy worth it!
2- Or.. you could use that money to buy Zero Mission, which is better than all of those games combined.
3- Same as above but with Fusion.

I couldn\'t choose which one to pick so I put them all down.

( Edited 14.08.2009 00:42 by SuperLink )

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I think it\'s a good incentive. Plus, to me, all three of the Primes were brilliant, even though i\'ve only ever completed Echoes. I don\'t own the first one. If I ever find that in good condition and cheap, I might pick it up and complete it.

Still, they should\'ve thrown in Super Metroid aswell.

Can\'t use Corruption data from the Wii\'s memory either, They all save as one game.

( Edited 14.08.2009 00:59 by Stulaw )

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Wait that makes no sense. If we have already registered Primes 1,2 and 3 does that mean that we get the game free? Or do we need To by the trilogy?

Echoes221 said:
Wait that makes no sense. If we have already registered Primes 1,2 and 3 does that mean that we get the game free? Or do we need To by the trilogy?

Thinking we gotta buy the triligy.. they arn't giving us free games Smilie
Silly Echoes

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

The original NES game has aged horribly. After playing Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission, I can't see how anyone could have fun going back to to NES Metroid.

Anyone with a copy of Zero Mission already has the NES game. Those with both Prime1 and Fusion (with gba-gc link cable) also have the game.

Well, it's a small bonus, but a great idea. I'm already preordering the trilogy anyway, and I already have Super Metroid on VC, not to mention both Zero Mission and the original Prime + Fusion, but hey, if it's free, at least I'll get some bonus Club Nintendo points (sorry, COINS) for it. Regardless, this is nothing but a pro for fans of the series and a great way to promote the VC, and I hope future releases do the same.

I already own the first Metroid on VC (It's not aged!). So this isn't tempting for me at all...

And, Superlink: I think Metroid Prime is the best Gamecube game there is. Better then RE4. *g*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

wAyNe - sTaRT said:
The original NES game has aged horribly. After playing Super Metroid, Fusion and Zero Mission, I can't see how anyone could have fun going back to to NES Metroid.

Anyone with a copy of Zero Mission already has the NES game. Those with both Prime1 and Fusion (with gba-gc link cable) also have the game.

Yeah, this. Still a nice offer though, I guess. I won't be buying the Wii trilogy anyway, already own them separately.

Thinking we gotta buy the triligy.. they arn't giving us free games Smilie
Silly Echoes

But it says...
the first 5000 who register the game, and have registered any of the three Metroid Primes, will be able to find of where it all started by downloading the debut game, for free.

Even greater reason to buy it. Wooooo. Never actually played Metroid on NES so even if it has aged badly I would still like to try it out. Would also love to replay the first 2 Prime games, why did I sell them. T_T

It'd make a nice change if they released any of the other 2D Metroid games rather than the original, that one seems to get re-released in some form every few years...

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Echoes221 said:
Thinking we gotta buy the triligy.. they arn\'t giving us free games Smilie
Silly Echoes

But it says...
the first 5000 who register the game, and have registered any of the three Metroid Primes, will be able to find of where it all started by downloading the debut game, for free.

I think you may be right Echoes, it says in the Nintendo Newsletter I got aswell, \'registered a game in the trilogy\'.

Ahhh, but then it goes on to say, \'when you register Metroid Prime Trilogy.\'

( Edited 14.08.2009 10:40 by Stulaw )

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

o wow yay

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Terrible. I already own this game 3 times. NES cartridge, unlocked in Metroid Prime, AGB cartridge.

Although I guess it would be nice to own at least 1 VC game. But I'm not getting MPT anyway.

Echoes221 said:
Thinking we gotta buy the triligy.. they arn't giving us free games Smilie
Silly Echoes

But it says...
the first 5000 who register the game, and have registered any of the three Metroid Primes, will be able to find of where it all started by downloading the debut game, for free.

Yes but if you don't have the Trilogy...
you get my drift?

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

The original has aged TERRIBLY. Like all NES games really. I wouldn't want to touch it with a barge pole. It was impressive in its time but now it's

knighty said:
The original has aged TERRIBLY. Like all NES games really. I wouldn\'t want to touch it with a barge pole. It was impressive in its time but now it\'s

Super Mario Bros 2 and 3 and Kirby\'s Adventure are still amazing to play. Other than that, yup, NES games are generally rather sucky now. Smilie Just buy Zero Mission, infinitely better.

( Edited 14.08.2009 21:20 by Ikana )

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