Nintendo Sees Dip in Profit and Revenue

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.10.2009 7

Nintendo Sees Dip in Profit and Revenue on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's latest financials were buried deep within the DSi XL announcements, with news of a sharp drop in both revenue and profit.

In the 6 months ending September 30th, Nintendo suffered a 35% drop in revenue (down 548.06 billion yen from 836.88 billion in 2008). Operating profit fell 59%, from 252.18 billion to 104.36 billion yen this time round.

The dip in figures has also affected projected sales figures, with Wii dropping to 20 million from 26 million, and software down to 180 million from 220 million. DS, on the other hand, has the same hardware sales estimate at 30 million, but software taking a slight dip to 150 million from 180 million units.

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Guest 29.10.2009#1

Damnit! Smilie

It was bound to happen, I think the Wii needed a few more AAA titles spread out over the years to keep people interested in a console that encourages gaming in small spurts.

That being said, announcing a new Wii for next year would be a perfect strategy....Smilie

I still see Nintendo actually making good on the new projected sales, but Wii hardware sales seem low. They'll probably end up being at 22-23 million. As far as software sales go, it all depends on how well New Super Mario Bros (4 million from release to march 2010 seems right) and Wii Fit Plus (could do up to 5 million by March 2010 depending on how many upgrade from Wii Fit to Plus... I know my brother, my sister and I just did).

Its game based, theres nothing out that recently so of course it dipped.

After MarioGalaxy2, NewMario, Red Steal etc are out for a bit. (and hopefully more MP games we will be in a better position to judge).
Personaly I think the Wiis got 2 more years.
The DS 3 or even more.

That being said, announcing a new Wii for next year would be a perfect strategy....

No, not perfect.
Sales are still too high even if they have dipped, we need more games before a new system, then a big upgrade.

Also "a new Wii" ?

I would hope Nintendo was never so concervative to do anything like a Wii2. Each and every generation since the snes Nintendo has had a new name, and new features. I hope they do the same next gen too. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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35%? o_0

I..I can't watch porn. My Mommy finds out

Means it's time to release the Wii 2. And maybe good games if they have the time.

But the main priority is releasing the Wii 2.

They can sell another 30-50 million Wii's in the next 2-3 years before even needing a Wii 2, how can you actually say they need to release a Wii 2 and not laugh?

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