Pokémon Rumbles onto WiiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2009

Pokémon Rumbles onto WiiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last week's download updates in Europe include a swanky new Pokémon game to download on Nintendo's WiiWare service.

The quirky new party game, Pokémon Rumble, allows four players to complete against one another in a series of funky mini-games. Out now for 1500 Wii points. Skeptical? There's a demo to try out on the Wii Shop Channel to try out for free.

There's also a unique take on the ol' evolution theory from Hudson - Shootanto: Evolutionary Mayhem, where you go on a mystical journey from ape to man - throwing coconuts and a lot of turd at your adversaries. Eventually the poo will evolve into a gun, as your simian self changes into a man. 500 points well spent methinks.

On the DSiWARE front there is A Little Bit of…All-Time Classics: Strategy Games (Nintendo, 500 Nintendo DSi points), where players can enjoy some of the world’s favourite games together in one handy collection, playable with Touch Screen controls, and with support for up to eight players. It features five classic games famed for their strategic play: Backgammon, Field Tactics, Turncoat, Connect Five and Grid Attack. Next up is UNO (Gameloft, 500 Nintendo DSi Points), the immensely popular card game that comes with a multiplayer mode that can be accessed by DS Wireless Play or Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Army Defender (Mindscape, 200 Nintendo DSi Points) has players defending their base against hordes of invading enemies. Use all the weapons at your disposal to survive as long as possible! Finally, there is myNotebook: Blue (Nnooo, 200 Nintendo DSi Points), which allows you to take notes wherever you are. Just pop open your Nintendo DSi and jot down your thoughts. Make a list and cross it off. Or even play your favourite pen and paper games!

Box art for Pokémon Rumble

Game Arts







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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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