Nintendo Planning Zelda Overhaul for Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.11.2009

Nintendo Planning Zelda Overhaul for Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Zelda fans are in for a treat at next year's E3 Expo, with producer Eiji Aonuma promising a series overhaul.

Many fans have found home console adventures for the courageous Hylian in recent years a little of the same, enjoyable to play though just a little bit too similar to past games in structure and storytelling. Speaking to ONM in the latest issue, Aonuma discussed how he and Zelda-creator Shigeru Miyamoto agreed that if Nintendo followed "the same structure again and again, we might not be able to give long time Zelda fans a fresh surprise".

So we have been trying something new in terms of the structure of the Wii version of the new Zelda game this time. I am really hopeful that people will be surprised with the changes we have implemented for this Wii version.

He once again confirmed full MotionPLus support, promising to disclose a little more on what the team have been working on at E3 2010. "It is something we are hopeful will be surprising".

Aonuma also spoke to Gamespot on all things Zelda in a video interview. He wishes MotionPlus was available during the development of Twilight Princess, and how new ideas can be integrated into Zelda games.

What do you think Nintendo need to do to add a little variety into the Zelda mix?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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