Konami Brings Foto Showdown to Nintendo DSi

By Adam Riley 30.11.2009

Konami Brings Foto Showdown to Nintendo DSi on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Konami today announced Foto Showdown for Nintendo DSi. Players utilise the Nintendo DSi's camera functionality to snap photos and incorporate them directly into the gameplay in this action packed, battle tested RPG for kids of all ages.

Foto Showdown allows players to snap photos with the Nintendo DSi which uses advanced colour recognition to spawn monsters based on the dominant colours in those photos. Players pit their battle tested monsters against rivals in no-holds-barred turn based duels that put the unique powers of each monster to the test. As players progress through more than 100 levels, winning tournaments and beating opponents, they'll be able to upgrade their powers, purchase more powerful weapons, add medicine and tools providing the ability to wreak greater havoc on their duelist partner! The longer you play the stronger you get.

"With Foto Showdown, Konami continues to bring innovative games to the market that allows consumers the opportunity to play a more active role in how the game progresses and develops. The built-in camera of Nintendo DSi lends itself perfectly to the gameplay, encouraging creative photography, where the photos have lasting effects on the total experience limited only by the users imagination."
- David Daniels, Marketing Director for Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc.

Players can simultaneously fight with up to six monsters at a time and become progressively stronger as they win battles, ultimately collecting up to 152 different monsters each with unique abilities. Players will be thrust into fast and furious tournaments and compete to win three kinds of cameras that open new levels and new monsters. Visit the store to buy or sell monsters and purchase an array of upgrades and equipment making your collection of monsters a fearless force of destruction. Connecting via local wireless connection allows gamers to unleash a multiplayer face-off or swap battle hardened monsters from their decks.

Foto Showdown is scheduled for release in Q1 2010 for Nintendo DSi.

Box art for Foto Showdown
Also known as

Monster Finder






Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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