New Nintendo DS Lufia II Remake Trailer

By Adam Riley 05.02.2010 6

New Nintendo DS Lufia II Remake Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has released another trailer for the upcoming remake of Lufia II for the Nintendo DS. Estpolis: The Lands Cursed by the Gods is a remake what us in the West know as Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals from the Super Nintendo (a game that never hit Europe, unfortunately). This revamped edition includes the likes of Maxim and Gades, and is now portrayed in a 3D environment that appears to be using the same graphics engine as Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers: Ring of Fates and Echoes of Time.

All the main action takes place on the top screen, whilst a handy map can be found on the lower one, along with the ability to use the touch-screen for manipulating your battle party.

Lufia: The Lands Cursed by the Gods is set to hit Japan later this month on 25th February, and the new trailer can be seen below, along with the first one after that, for those that missed it:

Have any readers played the original SNES Lufia II? What are your thoughts on the changes for this update?

Box art for Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals





Real Time RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date Q3 2010   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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Wow this looks amazing. Im really behind with DS games. I only own 2 lol. I have a lot of catching up to do. I cant fit in a social life, uni, home consoles and handhelds. I always do this with handhelds. Buy them then leave them to rot.

I absolutely adored the SNES game. One of my favorite RPGs of all time! Really excited for this. Smilie

Jacob4000 said:
I absolutely adored the SNES game. One of my favorite RPGs of all time! Really excited for this. Smilie

Same here Smilie In fact, I still have the original game safely stored away! Smilie

I'm intrigued about how it'll play given the change from turn-based to real-time action, though.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Same here In fact, I still have the original game safely stored away!

That makes me jealous! Don't know where mine's gotten off too...seems I've misplaced far too many SNES games over the last decade.

I'm intrigued about how it'll play given the change from turn-based to real-time action, though.

It concerns me a good bit. I don't like when they change things up -- games really need to be built for their battle system, not have that shoe horned onto them. Still, from the trailer atleast, it does look rather smooth. Hopefully it turns out okay..

No question that it looks absolutely gorgeous though.

Definitely looks stunning, I agree! The only thing that gives me hope about how this turns out is members of the original team are involved. Hopefully that bodes well for the end product...and hopefully it finally gets a European release Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Whoa, this completely went unnoticed by me! Lufia II was one of the earliest SNES RPGs that I played and managed to finish, I loved it, despite it's many, many undeniable faults!

The remake looks awesome, but nothing like the original, in an entirely negative sense for yours truly. I loved Lufia II despite the "village - problem! - dungeon - hooray! - tunnel - next village" formula that remained absolute throughout. Even the world map was a series of villages with twinned dungeon and a set of dividing mountains, laughable, but loveable largely for one reason; the puzzles. Of course, the story helped.

Those puzzles.. Man, oh man... some of them took so very long to do. The original had undoubtedly some of the most stretching, well planned floor puzzles of the 16 bit era. The remake even has "MAP GIMMICK" splashed across it. Hit lever, watch plaform fall. Wait, what, this is still Lufia 2? Naturally, I have only the trailer to go by, but it seems the focus has shifted well away from those mindbenders of old.

I remain optimistic despite that aside, the game looks good fun, the gameplay solid, etc. It will undoubtedly be worth getting and I already know I'll enjoy the story being told, but, it's not Lufia 2. Change the names, it's an entirely new, but really great looking, DS RPG.

This, as most will have figured out, have its upside. You just can't get away with releasing Lufia 2 now. The aforementioned formula would piss me right off if it was a new game, nostaligia greases those clunky wheels of the original, but it would be unforgivable on a new title.

I feel like I'm hammering home a drawing pin with a sledgehammer now, so I'll stop labouring the points I've already made!

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