Konami Could Beat Level-5 In The Race To Use 4Gigabit DS Card

By Calum Peak 23.03.2010 7

Konami Could Beat Level-5 In The Race To Use 4Gigabit DS Card on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ni no Kuni, Level-5's and Studio Ghibli's tie in, is set to launch on a rather large four gigabit cartridge, surpassing Archaic Sealed Heat's two gigabits. However, unless Level-5 hurry up with the title, they may lose out on that marketing factor as Konami is launching Tokimeki Memorial Girls Side 3rd Story later this summer in Japan with the bullet point "Uses a four gigabit ROM, a first in DS history", whereas Ni no Kuni's post-delay was set to spring, but no new news has been heard about it for months.
Konami Promises to use the amount of space used to deliver the largest volume of Girls Side Story yet, and Ni no Kuni is set to use it for amazing cinematics and impressive audio to bring depth to the title.

What do you think of the use of this size cartridge for a DS title? And will Konami/Level-5 be able to use it as a marketing technique to pique interest in the game?

Box art for Ni no Kuni





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Solid State tech FTW.

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Great news to hear that multiple companies will be pushing the DS to its limits so close to the end of the system's life.

At this rate the DS could end up like the PS2 in that support continues far into the life of its successor.

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DarKJellY (guest) 23.03.2010#3

I really think that this game could be good; it's four gigabytes of memory for God's sake! I hope the cut scenes are good... Please make this good, Konami!

DarKJellY (guest) said:
I really think that this game could be good; it's four gigabytes of memory for God's sake! I hope the cut scenes are good... Please make this good, Konami!

Four Gigabits (so that's 500 MB if I'm not mistaken), not GigaBytes. I'm suprised they aren't bigger by now to be honest.

( Edited 23.03.2010 19:46 by Trepe )

not GigaBytes

....Shhhh Smilie

Our member of the week

ASH wasn't the only one to use a 2GBit cart. Japan-exclusive "Neo Genesis Evangelion : Ayanami Rei Ikusei Keikaku" used it too, and Suikoden Tierkreis too.

RPGs might really benefit from this technology, to produce high quality 2D Backgrounds like those of Suikoden Tierkreis. The only downside is that data transfer speed, according to developpers, is slowed down on higher capacity carts. One said that carts above 512 MBits on DS had poorer data transfer speeds. And they're also a lot more expensive to produce.

Trepe said:

Four Gigabits (so that's 500 MB if I'm not mistaken), not GigaBytes. I'm suprised they aren't bigger by now to be honest.

My guess is that, compared to SD cards you can go buy yourself in any shop, the DS carts have much higher data reading speed. Seen those SD cards specialized for recording high bitrate HD videos ? They're the same capacity as those we already had some years ago and still, they're A LOT MORE expensive than the regular ones.

So i guess that in order to keep production costs low, and also to avoid having to put the bill on the developpers too much, they keep the storage capacity low to keep a good Capacity/Cost/Speed balance.

( Edited 23.03.2010 23:17 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

really cant wait for this game

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