Nintendo Sexes Up DSi for Korean Launch

By Adam Riley 30.03.2010 8

Nintendo Sexes Up DSi for Korean Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has enlisted the help of a sexy girl group to promote the DSi in South Korea. Known as Girls' Generation (or by the nickname SNSD), they are a nine-member South Korean girl group formed in 2007 and have taken part in various promotional videos and TV adverts to help push Nintendo's DSi launch, which hits on 15th April (alongside Maple Story, as reported yesterday). The system is set to arrive in four colours: Pink, Blue, Black, and White, and will see the launch of the DSiWare download service as well, with DSi owners treated to the same 1,000 free Nintendo Points us Western folk received many moons ago (last year!) simply for going online for the first time. A spokesperson for Nintendo Korea said, "I hope people look at SNSD and see that this is a game set that is enjoyable for all ages groups for boys and girls!" You can see the video, as well as other Korean Nintendo DSi promotional trailers, below. The actual TV campaign starts tomorrow (30th March, which at the time of writing has already arrived in the Korean timezone).

Nintendo has also issued a Press Release to provide many more details about the Nintendo DSi that we have been lapping up like crazy for more than a year now. The main point is that whilst the WiiWare service is still absent from Korea, the DSiWare service is set to launch with some impressive games. Pyoro (Bird & Beans), Paper Plane, WarioWare: Snapped!, and the fantastic-looking bullet-hell shmup from Arika that Europe is still waiting for are all set for Day One, along with six others, including Lovely Chorus Photo, which is apparently a collaboration between Nintendo and Atlus!

Check out all the promotional video clips below:

As a bonus, here is one of Girls' Generation's popular videos. Certainly better than the Wonder Girls's Nobody, right?

With the support of both MapleStory and promotional work from Girls' Generation, do you feel the DSi can emulate the success of the DS Lite in South Korea?

Box art for MapleStory DS
Also known as

Maple Story DS






Real Time RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Okay, I think I just found my new favourite group! This is a song they released at the end of January this year:

Very cool - very sexy! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

4chan has some sort of strange obsession with SNSD so they are all going out and buying the DSi like crazy. Smilie

PMD said:
4chan has some sort of strange obsession with SNSD so they are all going out and buying the DSi like crazy. Smilie

I don't bloody blame them! I didn't realise until today that I've seen this group before on someone's animated gif over on NeoGAF.

Wise move by Nintendo hiring these girls. Now, if only Cubed3 could get an interview with them... Smilie *crosses fingers*

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I knew this had to be you who posted this Adam. Smilie

I watched the first ad posted, and I was like, "Wait a minute, I've seen these women before!" I then scrolled down and saw the manikin song posted, and I Smilieed.

I would buy more than one DS if this were our ad campaign. But then again, some crabby group of women somewhere would get angry and get the adverts taken down... Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09
Acrid (guest) 30.03.2010#6

They would all get it Smilie

I got mesmerized and forgot DS existed when i saw that last post...SmilieSmilie

I'd fuck the shit out of those girls.

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