Rumour: Legend of Zelda Wii Release Month Leaked?

By Mike Mason 11.04.2010 25

Rumour: Legend of Zelda Wii Release Month Leaked? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour hats on, folks. Once again a leak of retailer listings has bestowed upon us a golden nugget of information, this time relating to the game making many Wii owners' pants wet with anticipation, The Legend of Zelda Wii.

A sneaky picture taken of a monitor in USA retailer GameStop appears to reveal that Zelda Wii will be swiping swords in Wii systems across the land in November of this year, which correlates with word from Nintendo that the game will be released before 2011. In the same snap you can also see the confirmed USA release dates of Metroid: Other M and Monster Hunter 3, which both have an SD stamp next to them to confirm that this is their street date.

Image for Rumour: Legend of Zelda Wii Release Month Leaked?

The lack of such a stamp next to Zelda Wii probably indicates that the date listed, 01/11/10, is not the firm release date and more of a placeholder. Still, retailers use these sorts of thing regularly and this is a decent indication that Zelda Wii will release in November 2010. Nevertheless, we will surely hear more firm information during or around E3, and so this should be treated as a rumour for now.

Many thanks to GamersMint for the information.

Until we have more solid information, please feel free to cake yourself in hype by reviewing our past Zelda Wii coverage, and keep your eyes peeled for updates.

A likely release date or not? What do you think of this rumour?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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We already knew it was comming out towards the end of this year though.

( Edited 11.04.2010 15:21 by welshwuff )

Bring on E3, Nintendo looks like they have plenty to show us.

welshwuff said:
We already knew it was comming out towards the end of this year though.

But not a month. Could've been September, October, November, December...

Guest 11.04.2010#4

Whatever the case, we'll all still have to wait.

[b]Mason said:
But not a month. Could've been September, October, November, December...

It's still prone to change though so is still a little redundant.

Who cares about Zelda! According to that LEGO Harry Potter isn't coming out 'til the end of June!! Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Who cares about Zelda! According to that LEGO Harry Potter isn't coming out 'til the end of June!! Smilie


And not entirely sure if this is true yet. hasn't acknowledged 11/01/10 as being a possible release date yet. Then again, they just might be slow as heck and might put this in sometime soon. We'll see.

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Smilie it be silly to miss xmas

I'd take it with a grain of salt. If Gamestop doesn't know the exact date, they either put it on the first or last day of a quarter, or the first day of the month they expect it to come out, or something similar. But it wouldn't surprise me if it came out before Christmas.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Actualy, Lego Harry Potter could be great. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Actualy, Lego Harry Potter could be great.

I was being serious though D:
Well not entirely serious, I can't wait for Zelda, but hot dang Lego Harry Potter is going to rock.

It was supposed to come out in March...
Then May...
And now June. T_T

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"...the date listed, 01/11/10..."

The game already came out three months ago????
How did I not know about that???

Oh, wait nevermind. Crazy Europeans with your crazy date formats...


It's amazing that it would be coming out in 6 months and we don't even know anything about this game. Almost unprecedented for a Zelda title. I wouldn't care if this got pushed back into next Spring, considering all the great titles that are coming out for the Wii beforehand.

Sonic_13 said:
"...the date listed, 01/11/10..."

The game already came out three months ago????
How did I not know about that???

Oh, wait nevermind. Crazy Europeans with your crazy date formats...


how are we the crazy ones when every one date formats that way apart from the USA your the crazy ones

I reckon November is possible, but the last week, with Europe hitting on the first or second week of December (possibly to tie into the Wii's anniversaries in both US and Europe/AUS.

Whatever the case I can defo see Zelda releasing within a 2/3 week timeframe in all major regions.

( Edited 12.04.2010 09:07 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

PMD said:
It's amazing that it would be coming out in 6 months and we don't even know anything about this game. Almost unprecedented for a Zelda title. I wouldn't care if this got pushed back into next Spring, considering all the great titles that are coming out for the Wii beforehand.

I hope we don't find out much about it until release. I like to play Zelda games and be suprised and not know any of the story beforehand. I always try to avoid all the videos and info on Zelda games before I get it. I'm not always strong enough to resist though.

I bet it was planned to be released at the end of this year, but gets put back to early next year. That always seems to happen. Not that I mind if it means a better game.

matt (guest) 12.04.2010#17

there rushing all big games out the door making way for the NINTENDO Wii RS i think if they bought a new home console with ultra powerful FUSION tech and updated the current wii to 720p/1080i it would make perfect sense E32010 we will hear there plans for wii2/wiiRS and a release date/hands on demo of 3DS as well as next wave of wii games StarFox Wii,Retro Studios Project,Project Sora,Factor 5,ect,plus a playable demo of something to do with vitality sensor,

Entity (guest) 12.04.2010#18

They SHOULD release the game before x-mas. But I don't wasnt them to rush it. So I'll wait... And yes. This E3 is Nintendo's E3. Actually it seems like this is the best Wii year so far.... And last year was pretty neat Smilie

What I really want to know is when will Pikmin 3 be released...

They've been working on this game for a good four or five years. How is that "rushed?"

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
They've been working on this game for a good four or five years. How is that "rushed?"

According to rumours ;D
Also don't forget Nintendo are worried about Zelda being greatly graphically usurped by MH3. If Nintendo want to spruce up Zelda's visuals a delay might be nice.

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SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
They've been working on this game for a good four or five years. How is that "rushed?"

According to rumours ;D
Also don't forget Nintendo are worried about Zelda being greatly graphically usurped by MH3. If Nintendo want to spruce up Zelda's visuals a delay might be nice.

They've said repeatedly that the way they make Zelda games is that halfway through a game, they split the team in half, and one team finishes the current game while the other starts the next. Given that Twilight Princess came out in 2006, it's a fair guess that this game began production sometime in 2006 or 2005. Maybe sooner, considering Twilight Princess was delayed so that it could be on the Wii.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:
25 Postcards (guest) 13.04.2010#23

Does it really matter? it will come out when it's ready.

matt (guest) said:
there rushing all big games out the door making way for the NINTENDO Wii RS i think if they bought a new home console with ultra powerful FUSION tech and updated the current wii to 720p/1080i it would make perfect sense E32010 we will hear there plans for wii2/wiiRS and a release date/hands on demo of 3DS as well as next wave of wii games StarFox Wii,Retro Studios Project,Project Sora,Factor 5,ect,plus a playable demo of something to do with vitality sensor,

Bit optimistic there champ? Smilie

matt (guest) 02.05.2010#25

no the sdk 2.1 proves the wii is locked via firmware and suggests 720p support with 2giga-pixels per second fillrate thats 4 times xbox and xbox did 720p plus ninty said it could do 720p but not 1080p at the very start of the wiis life early 2007

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