EA Creates Sandbox Game Create

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.08.2010

EA Creates Sandbox Game Create on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA has revealed its LittleBigPlanet-esque sandbox game, Create - a new platformer limited only by your imagination.

You'll be able to use various tools and brushes to form a foundation for your unique level-based challenges and ideas, including textures, objects and animated characters to bring your worlds to life. Once done, share your genius, or not so clever, designs to the rest of the world by uploading your creations online.

Create uses families' imaginations to develop new ways to play together that are both fun and challenging. We wanted to design a game where the entire family can explore, decorate, and solve challenges where no solution is wrong and the only limit is the imagination.

Harvey Elliott, general manager at developer EA Bright Light.

Create will open up its studio doors this November across multiple platforms including Nintendo Wii.

Image for EA Creates Sandbox Game Create

Image for EA Creates Sandbox Game Create
Box art for Create








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date TBA   

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