Nintendo Suggested Canning Rare's Goldeneye 007

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.09.2010 9

Nintendo Suggested Canning Rare

Although Goldeneye 007 was the shooting game to have on the Nintendo 64 staff at Rare reveal Nintendo suggested cancelling the project.

Behind the scenes before the game's release with the console back in 1997, Rare was finding it difficult bringing the game together and initially weren't keen to do a movie tie-in. Speaking to EDGE magazine, Rare's Mark Betteridge noted that Nintendo was "very keen" for the studio to work on the shooting game featuring Pierce Brosnan as 007.

Rare's George Andreas felt that during development it was a "bit of a mess" and that there wasn't much faith within the company aside from the core few who worked on the game.

After numerous delays Nintendo suggested that Rare cancel the project and fortunately for legions of gamers worldwide, the team weren't informed and the game shipped.

On a related note - wondering why Activision is bringing a remake of the game to the Wii?

Destructoid spoke to Activision's Julian Widdows who feels the Wii audience deserve a "cutting edge" title and that it feels "natural to bring GoldenEye home to Nintendo."

Box art for GoldenEye 007





First Person Shooter



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sadly, i don't doubt this.

Wait a sec... this news is old hat. I remember reading this info years ago. Well, minus the tidbit about the new remake. Smilie Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

This was during the yamauchi days. That man almost bankrupted nintendo.

Reggie once said Goldeneye was a mistake.

I wonder how many good games are canceled due to development issues.

Thank god they didn't cancel it. Then that said they probably would have recycled the project into "Perfect Dark" - or in this case "Perfect Dark Zero" styled, with the real perfect dark being the sequel.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I managed to find the video.

1:20 onwards.

( Edited 03.09.2010 21:02 by Marzy )

Odd. I really liked when Rare worked with N64 titles. Diddy Kong Racing, DK64, Jet Force Gemini, Conker's Bad Fur Day... those are still in closet somewhere Smilie.

Rare worked great, I certainly liked more Star Fox Adventures than Assault Smilie, but I don't know if it's was really because of the developers or just the gameplay...

Just erase that, I enjoyed both Smilie.

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae
Mana (guest) 05.09.2010#9

@ Marzy :

I think that was less his saying it was a mistake, and more like him saying they hadn't managed to bring everyone into it like they planned.

I think that's why he says 'a bit of a wrong turn'. I think he's saying it was a good game, but in context of them bringing more than just gamers into their games, GoldenEye probably didn't do that (maybe not compared to their other games).

But that was interesting to watch. Thanks for finding it.

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