Sakamoto on Metroid 64, Dread

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.09.2010 5

Sakamoto on Metroid 64, Dread on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with Metroid creator Yoshio Sakamoto, he discusses the missing links in the series story, Dread and Metroid 64.

To celebrate the release of his latest project, a collaboration with Other M, Sakamoto spoke to GamesTM on the changes and similarities with the new setup, and some of the projects that hadn't made it to the retail shelf.

On Metroid 64

  • Sakamoto was considering making a Metroid game on the N64, but felt he shouldn't be the one making it.
  • Couldn't imagine how to move Samus around with the N64 trident controller, felt it was "too early" to make a 3D Metroid at the time.
  • Nintendo approached another company to see if they could make Metroid in 3D, but they declined feeling it wouldn't live up to Super Metroid.
  • Existence of Metroid Dread

    I cannot deny the existence of such a project in the past but cannot say if it will be what I move onto next or not. I’m sorry but we would like to keep that game a mystery. After all, there has been a lot of speculation surrounding Dread. And my hope, if at all possible, is to reset the situation at once and start from scratch.

    Box art for Metroid: Other M

    Team Ninja







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    So Dread seems like it's essentially the Metroid equivalent of Super Mario 128 at this point.

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
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    I still have an interview of Miyamoto in a magazine, dating from 1999 where he states clearly that they were working on a Metroid for Nintendo 64 (Miyamoto included in the project)

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

    Dread's just a name nothing more really. They probably had a few prototypes under different names accross a few systems, and we just heard that one.

    A much better name then "Other M", mind you.
    (which in turn was only slightly better then "Another Code:R") <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    I cannot deny the existence of such a project in the past but cannot say if it will be what I move onto next or not. I’m sorry but we would like to keep that game a mystery. After all, there has been a lot of speculation surrounding Dread. And my hope, if at all possible, is to reset the situation at once and start from scratch.

    In English:

    "Sorry bro, but we like the free marketing that all the rumours and speculation brings. There's no reason not to tell you all about it other than that. Maybe at some point we'll make an entirely new game, use the name 'Dread' on it, since fanoys will eat that shit up and we'll be swimming in cash. Seeya."

    Sakamoto-san, just give us a pimped out compilation of Metroid 1/0, 2, 3, & 4 on the 3DS and we'll call it even. SmilieSmilie

    ( Edited 17.09.2010 04:19 by MechaG2 )

    Chance favors the prepared mind.

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