Pokémon Keep Nintendo No.1 in Japan

By Adam Riley 12.10.2010 2

Pokémon Keep Nintendo No.1 in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In the second week of Pokémon Black and Pokémon White's release, the duo has shot up to nearly 3.4 million sales, which considering its first official week of sales only consisted of two days due it launching on a Saturday is even more impressive. Wii Party also crosses the million sales threshhold this week, showing no signs of dying down yet, the same as with Super Mario Galaxy 2, which has been lingering in the upper part of the chart far longer than its predecessor did. The original Super Mario Galaxy only just about scraped past the million mark, even with a holiday boost early in its lifetime. This sequel, however, is on track to reach a million without too much hassle, and still has the benefit of the Winter holiday period on the horizon.

Check out all the sales below, as well as the hardware listings:

Media Create Top 50 - 20th-26th September, 2010
1.) (1) Pokémon Black / White (The Pokémon Company) - 828,580 | 3,386,358
2.) (NEW) Black Leopard: A New Tale of Yakuza (PSP, Sega) - 174,213 | NEW
3.) (5) Wii Party (Wii, Nintendo) - 43,077 | 1,040,102
4.) (NEW) Durarara!! 3-way Standoff (PSP, ASCII Media Works) - 21,566 | NEW
5.) (6) Monster Hunter Diary: Pokapoka Ailu Village (PSP, Capcom) - 18,652 | 447,329
6.) (7) One Piece: Gigant Battle (NDS, Bandai Namco) - 14,339 | 174,316
7.) (2) Front Mission: Evolved (PS3, Square Enix) - 10,421 | 61,504
8.) (NEW) Shin Koihime Musou: Otome Ryouran Sangokushi Engi - Wu-Hen (PSP, Yeti) - 10,240 | NEW
9.) (3) Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5 (PSP, Konami) - 9,805 | 55,684
10.) (NEW) Winning Post 7 2010 (PS3, Koei Tecmo) - 9,714 | NEW
11.) (9) Taiko Drum Master DS: Dororon! Battle With the Ghouls!! (NDS, Bandai Namco) - 9,653 | 225,166
12.) (10) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii, Nintendo) - 9,414 | 834,955
13.) (16) Wii Fit Plus (Wii, Nintendo) - 7,720 | 2,074,733
14.) (15) Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [PSP the Best Reprint] (PSP, Capcom) - 7,585 | 430,362
15.) (11) Inazuma Eleven 3: World Challenge!! Spark / Bomber (NDS, Level 5) - 7,526 | 843,883
16.) (NEW) Winning Post 7 2010 (PSP, Koei Tecmo) - 6,355 | NEW
17.) (17) Art Academy (NDS, Nintendo) - 6,314 | 180,030
18.) (20) Mario Kart Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 6,191 | 2,937,740
19.) (18) Friend Collection (NDS, Nintendo) - 5,999 | 3,424,869
20.) (21) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Nintendo) - 5,891 | 3,996,368
21.) (13) Ace Combat X2: Joint Assault (PSP, Bandai Namco)
22.) (4) Halo: Reach (360, Microsoft Game Studios)
23.) (23) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 4,715 | 5,907,304
24.) (19) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [Reprint] (PS3, Square Enix)
25.) (27) Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver (NDS, The Pokemon Co.) - 2,833 | 3,872,679
26.) (38) Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (PS3, Capcom)
27.) (36) Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP, Konami)
28.) (25) Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (NDS, Marvelous Entertainment)
29.) (NEW) Atelier Rorona: Alchemist of Arland [Playstation 3 the Best] (PS3, Gust)
30.) (31) Tetris Party Deluxe (NDS, Hudson)
31.) (8) Blue Roses: Yousei to Aoi Hitomi no Senshitachi (PSP, Nippon Ichi Software)
32.) (NEW) Singularity (PS3, Square Enix)
33.) (24) Hatsune Miku: Project Diva 2 (PSP, Sega)
34.) (22) Metroid: Other M (Wii, Nintendo)
35.) (32) Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 2010 (PSP, Konami)
36.) (35) Heart Catch PreCure! Oshare Collection (NDS, Bandai Namco) - 3,495 | 58,371
37.) (14) Trick x Logic: Season 2 (PSP, SCE)
38.) (33) Dragon Quest: Monster Battle Road Victory (Wii, Square Enix)
39.) (39) Tamagotchi no Pichi Pichi Omisecchi (NDS, Bandai Namco)
40.) (29) Sengoku Basara 3 (PS3, Capcom)
41.) (RE) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
42.) (30) Sengoku Basara 3 (Wii, Capcom)
43.) (40) Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes [PSP the Best Reprint] (PSP, Capcom)
44.) (RE) Wii Sports Resort (Wii, Nintendo)
45.) (41) Tokimeki Memorial: Girl's Side 3rd Story (NDS, Konami)
46.) (34) Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem - Hero of Light and Shadow (NDS, Nintendo)
47.) (26) Bleach: Heat the Soul 7 (PSP, SCE)
48.) (45) Assassin's Creed II: Special Edition (PS3, Ubisoft)
49.) (43) Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbaride Card Battle Taisen (NDS, Bandai Namco)
50.) (NEW) Hanakisou (PSP< Prototype)

Hardware - This Week | Last Week | 2010 Sales | Lifetime Sales
1.) Nintendo DS (all models) - 89,199 | 85,770 | 1,812,316 | 31,091,396
2.) PlayStation Portable (all models) - 38,476 | 30,729 | 1,522,454 | 15,265,542
3.) PlayStation 3 - 20,694 | 21,096 | 1,058,884 | 5,560,251
4.) Wii - 16,908 | 14,833 | 1,047,214 | 10,652,413
5.) Xbox 360 - 2,599 | 5,804 | 161,967 | 1,371,639
6.) PlayStation 2 - 1,514 | 1,390 | 62,916 | 21,673,093
XX.) Nintendo DSi - 49,411 | 47,379 | 715,567 | 5,054,513
XX.) Nintendo DSi XL - 32,777 | 31,254 | 921,391 | 1,428,298
XX.) Nintendo DS Lite - 7,011 | 7,137 | 175,358 | 18,023,114
XX.) PlayStation Portable - 37,576 | 29,866 | 1,474,602 | 15,141,935
XX.) PSPgo - 900 | 863 | 47,852 | 123,607

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (54 Votes)

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I expected to see Kingdom Hearts recoded
maybe next week.

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

Hmm, it's intriguing that the DS and PSP are outselling all the home consoles, despite being older consoles.

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