Nintendo DS Tops US October Sales

By Adam Riley 18.11.2010 6

Nintendo DS Tops US October Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest sales data has been released for the month of October in the US, showing the Nintendo DS taking the top spot. Whilst NPD no longer provides individual sales positions, or any sales at all, its clients are now prone to leaking various pieces of information to let everyone know just how well certain games are performing. Whilst the likes of Super Scribblenauts is missing, and Metroid: Other M has already dropped away, not everything is terrible on the Wii front, with strong starts for Kirby's Epic Yarn and Wii Party going into the holiday period, although hardware sales have struggled for the third month in a row. Sales for Ubisoft's Just Dance 2 are the shining light, and no doubt the similar Michael Jackson: The Experience will prove popular.

Check out the data that has been collated so far, covering the reporting period of 3rd October, 2010 to 30th October, 2010:

Software - October, 2010
1.) NBA 2K11 (360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii) TAKE 2 INTERACTIVE - 1,150,000 (double last year's sales)
2.) Fallout: New Vegas (360, PS3) BETHESDA SOFTWORKS - 1,117,000
3.) Medal of Honour (360, PS3) ELECTRONIC ARTS - Over 1,000,000
4.) Fable III (360) MICROSOFT - 580,000 (second highest individual SKU of the month)
5.) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (360, PS3, Wii, NDS) LUCASARTS
6.) Halo: Reach (360) MICROSOFT - 315,000
7.) Just Dance 2 (Wii) UBISOFT - 286,000
8.) FIFA 11 (PS3, 360, Wii, PS2, PSP, NDS) ELECTRONIC ARTS
9.) Madden NFL 11 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP) ELECTRONIC ARTS
10.) WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 (PS3, 360, PS2, Wii, PSP) THQ - 225,000
15.) Rock Band 3 (PS3, 360, NDS, Wii) - 140,000
XX.) Wii Party (Wii) NINTENDO - <140,000
XX.) Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii) NINTENDO - 100,000
XX.) DJ Hero 2 (PS3, 360, Wii) ACTIVISION BLIZZARD - 59,000
XX.) NBA Jam (Wii) ELECTRONIC ARTS - <50,000
XX.) Shaun White Skateboarding (PS3, 360, Wii) UBISOFT - <6,000
XX.) Tony Hawk Shred (Wii, 360, PS3) ACTIVISION BLIZZARD - 3,000

Hardware - October, 2010
1.) Nintendo DS - 342,000
2.) Xbox 360 - 325,000
3.) PlayStation 3 - 250,000
4.) Wii - 232,000
5.) PlayStation Portable - 75,000

Do you think Wii has a chance to really pull up its socks this Christmas?

Box art for Just Dance 2








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A lot more games are coming out in November and December, not to mention all the Wii bundles, so I definitely believe sales will be up. However, the 360 and PS3 seem to be doing very well too.

PS3's Move got an Xbox 360 points card for the second month running. I think Kinect is going to do FAR better in the US, just as it has already done so here in the UK.

The Wii Remote Plus bundle, Mario anniversary pack, and DKC Returns release will boost Wii, no doubt, along with Epic Mickey.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

What's Tony Hawk: Shred? I'm surprised it even sold that much, I've not seen anything surrounding the game at all. It's been literally unknown to me, until now.

He goes snowboarding this time, instead of skateboarding... (I think)

Shaun White's new game goes in the opposite direction, and seems to have done just as bad Smilie

( Edited 18.11.2010 20:19 by jesusraz )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Tony Hawk Shred has both sports I think. They tried aiming for a younger crowd this time. Why they would try again when TH:Ride bombed just screams crazy. Smilie

Also, Sony haven't really been pushing the Move much as much as Microsoft are with Kinect. They've put $500,000,000 towards it's marketing so I expected it to do better. Smilie

The Wii will do just fine. How many units are the PS3 and the 360 selling over the Wii? About 20-30k a month and with a 10 million lead over the 360 and a 20 million lead over the PS3 (in the Americas) WHEN will they catch up? Never.

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