Final Fantasy Boss In Mario Sports Mix

By Stuart Lawrence 29.11.2010 7

Final Fantasy Boss In Mario Sports Mix on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever dreamed of having Mario, or Toad go up against a Final Fantasy boss, or being playable in a Final Fantasy like game, well Square-Enix have gone a step towards that dream with the new boss they've introduced in Mario Sports Mix.

Although the game already lets you play as both Mario and Final Fantasy characters in a mixture of sporting challenges, they've also gone out of the way to include a boss battle using volleyball against the Behemoth. There's a video below showing gameplay footage of Toad and Moogle against the creature.

What do you think of the new addition to the game? What other bosses would you like to play against?

Box art for Mario Sports Mix

Square Enix







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (7 Votes)

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This game looks terrible on the evidence of the Nintendo Channel instructional video.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Nice idea but it looks so incredibly slow and therefore boring.

For a moment I thought you had to tennis against it (with the ball doing damage). But I forgot, no tennis here. Smilie

What's the point of boss battles in a Sports game again? Smilie

At first I thought that will be cool, like being able to find some unexpected (that's Nintendo's ordeal not SEs). But then watching the movie, it will be a bad idea I can't see Behemoth as being something like that, it's not like the Goo. The way the battle goes out is confusing too. I hope they don't put anymore weird additions, like this.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out
:3 (guest) 29.11.2010#5

I still wonder why Geno is left out of this game. I like seeing Vivi but I believe he should be the only FF character in this game.

This game could do without some FF characters. Vivi and Geno should have been the only Square exclusive characters. What's next? They will put Cloud in cause fanboys fap off to him?

:3 (guest) said:
I still wonder why Geno is left out of this game. I like seeing Vivi but I believe he should be the only FF character in this game.

This game could do without some FF characters. Vivi and Geno should have been the only Square exclusive characters. What's next? They will put Cloud in cause fanboys fap off to him?

That's not vivi, it's just a standard black Mage.

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