Michael Jackson: The Experience Wii/DS Results

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.12.2010 7

Michael Jackson: The Experience Wii/DS Results on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

We've danced our way through the entries for our exclusive Michael Jackson: The Experience competition. Will you be dancing with the King?

Congralations to Falconcard2000 (Wii), Ikana (Wii), Scorp (DS) and marija (DS) who each win a copy of the game.

You would have received an email last week, please reply or PM me with a delivery address.

Many thanks to all who entered and to the folk at Ubisoft for providing the prizes. Be sure to stick with C3 for more changes to win!

Box art for Michael Jackson: The Experience








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Nov 2010   North America release date Nov 2010   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Do enjoy your copies of the game. I own the DS version an as an Elite Beat Agents style game set to MJ's music it's a fun experience.

Hope you all enjoy your prizes. Smilie

Hope you all enjoy, it looks good.

Michael fan (guest) 13.12.2010#4

Michael's game proves that his career is far from over. Fans want more, and he's providing! Unlike the movie title, he has proven that this really isn't it, and like many, i can't wait for more from the king of pop.

( Edited 13.12.2010 22:18 by jesusraz )

OMG I can't believe I won,yay!Smilie Thank you so much,i really can't thank you enough, this site is great! xD I sure will enjoy this game! MJ forever!<3 L.O.V.E.

Thanks so much guys, really looking forward to this one, and the free to enter competitons are great, so credit where it's due, thank you. Looking forward to the next comp Smilie

b (guest) 17.01.2011#7

my girlfriend is a whore and she loves michael jackson wii and drinking with friends and drinking and driving and snorting coke and smoking pot

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