Euro Pokémon Black/White Date Revealed

By Adam Riley 03.01.2011 8

Euro Pokémon Black/White Date Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed the European release date for the highly anticipated DS duo of Pokémon Black and Pokémon White. Whilst the official Press Release has yet to go out due to the Bank Holiday period over here, news has leaked about the 5th Generation Pocket Monster titles' European debut being set for 4th March, 2011, two days prior to the North American launch.

For those that missed the US release news, below are the details:

Nintendo of America has announced that the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version video games will launch in North America on 6th March, 2011. The games, playable exclusively on the Nintendo DS family of systems, are a completely new adventure that Pokémon fans old and new can embark on. Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version introduce more than 150 new Pokémon and a new region to explore.

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version feature new Pokémon that players can catch, train and battle as they progress through the game, and some Pokémon can only be caught in one version of the game. For example, the Legendary Pokémon Reshiram can only be caught in Pokémon Black Version, while the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom can only be caught in Pokémon White Version. Additionally, the two games feature different areas for the first time in the series, with the game world of Pokémon Black Version featuring a unique metropolitan area called Black City, and a lush, green area named White Forest only found in Pokémon White Version. Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version also mark the first time in a Pokémon video game that the seasons will change in the game world. Certain Pokémon appear more frequently during different seasons, and players can only access some areas during a specific season.

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version let players start with one of three new Starter Pokémon - the Grass-type Snivy, the Fire-type Tepig or the Water-type Oshawott. Until the main story of the game is complete, every Pokémon that players encounter will have never been seen before in previous Pokémon games. The games also feature original boy and girl trainers who set out on an adventure in the new Unova region.

"Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version represent a generational leap forward for the renowned series, delivering an unprecedented number of new Pokémon to catch, battle and trade. Whether you have played the Pokémon video games before or are just getting interested in them, you won't want to miss Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version."
- Marc Franklin, Nintendo of America's Director of Public Relations.

Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version are now available for pre-order from major retailers throughout North America for a suggested retail price of US$34.99 each.

Are you gearing yourself up for the release of this Pokémon duo, or is your focus mainly on the Nintendo 3DS for the month of March?

Box art for Pokémon Black & White

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Man, I'm gonna be in trouble in late Feb/March. Kirby's Epic Yarn is coming on the 25th Feb, Okamiden on the 18th March, the 3DS and OoT 3D somewhere in March and now there's gonna be Pokémon around that time too? I'm going to be completely broke, and don't even get me started on how I'm supposed to find the time to play all of them. Smilie

I wasn't sure about posting this, but March 4th or at least around then does sound likely Smilie Can't wait! Not long now Smilie

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SirLink said:
Man, I'm gonna be in trouble in late Feb/March. Kirby's Epic Yarn is coming on the 25th Feb, Okamiden on the 18th March, the 3DS and OoT 3D somewhere in March and now there's gonna be Pokémon around that time too? I'm going to be completely broke, and don't even get me started on how I'm supposed to find the time to play all of them. Smilie

how are you going to play all of them? Smilie

looks like it will be a good start for the yearof 2011, now, how will it be on the later half.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Wolvesgod said:

how are you going to play all of them? Smilie

looks like it will be a good start for the yearof 2011, now, how will it be on the later half.

Haha yea, I guess school will likely get the short end of the stick yet again during that time. Smilie I'm really looking forward to the later half(my wallet..not so much Smilie) too, I bet Nintendo has some awesome surprises in store for us at E3 again.

2 days BEFORE the US?? Smilie

I really need to hear this straight from the horses mouth if I am to believe it. Smilie

I'm inclined to believe this. 3DS is supposed to be out by the end of March, so putting out the DS' last huge title a few weeks beforehand makes sense. Pulls the last sales out of DS and then gives 3DS a big killer app right out of the gate because of the backwards compatibility. I also still wouldn't be surprised if there's some kind of 3DS functionality hidden away somewhere on the cartridge...or they might save that completely for the Grey version, who knows.

Sounds awesome! I cannae wait! Smilie
(I think this will be the first game I've pre-ordered since the Wind Waker.)

I think this is pretty believable, many reliable sites are reporting it and Nintendo will be revealing the date officially very soon.

Amazing news, I never thought I'd see the day where Europe gets a fresh Pokémon generation before the US!

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