Paper Mario Goes 3D in New 3DS Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.01.2011 16

Paper Mario Goes 3D in New 3DS Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario is returning to the 2D side of his life in a gorgeous new 3D world. It can only be Paper Mario 3DS, with new footage inside.

The sequence, snapped by the folks at The Nintendo World Blog, sees a familiar Paper Mario return to the series' roots with a turn-based approach and partners as seen in the first two installments. You can expect some rather swanky 3D effects and visual trickery, one example being a shower of paper Bob-omb in both the fore and backgrounds.

What do you think of Paper Mario 3DS - what are you expecting from the new game?

Box art for Paper Mario: Sticker Star

Intelligent Systems




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (6 Votes)

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This game looks great. I love seeing where the 3D effects are being shown off.

Games looks great, but I hope for new gameplay.

Thousand Year Door was the best for me, but still too similar really with the first.
And SPM had some nice bits, but was too shallow an experience really and disappointing. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Dope5 (guest) 10.01.2011#3

Best Nintendo game on the 3Ds by far. The raining bombombs are pure brilliant! When is this due in the states?

Game looks really good Smilie

The game looks charming. I've not played any Paper Mario games so far, so I may pick this one up.

Yes! I love it how they're bringing back the more RPG style of Paper Mario. While Super Paper Mario, in itself was a great game, compared to the other two in the series, it couldn't really compare in my opinion.

Might get it since I've never played any of the Paper Mario games before.

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I can't believe you guys haven't played any Paper Mario games! Go get them right now! (If the weather allows you, depending on where you live) Smilie

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

The only Paper Mario I've ever played was Super Paper Mario on the Wii, it was pretty good. I'm really interested in more Mario RPGs after hearing so much praise about them but I can't really afford to add more games to my To Get list right now. I'll get Paper Mario 3DS eventually though. Smilie

I played through the thousand year door twice and loved every second of it, I regret selling it to my mate when I was in college now.

This should be nothing less than awesome.

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I'm very happy to see Paper Mario going back to an RPG type of gameplay

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
I'm very happy to see Paper Mario going back to an RPG type of gameplay
Me too. I was hoping for this and looks like I got it. Smilie
Btw, this looks fantastic.

( Edited 11.01.2011 01:01 by Mush123 )

I loved Thousand Year Door. Never completed it though as the final boss was just too much of a spike in difficulty and grinding levels is far too slow in Paper Mario.

I loved the thousand year door. This looks like it will live up to it in some fashion. I didn't play the wii one although I want to.

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This game is due in the United States on June 2nd.

mariofan (guest) 15.09.2011#16

Smilie i want this so badly

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